WhistlingBadger - December 2021 Tank of the Month Winner


Hammer Time
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA
We have a winner in Fishforums.net
December 2021 Tank
of the Month Contest
We had 8 awesome tanks entered in this month's TOTM contest featuring tanks sized at 16 gallons and smaller, but only one could win...
And the winner is.......
Let's all congratulate him
Here's the winning tank and its description

...............click on video below................

Welcome to Badger's Rice-Free Sumatran Rice Paddy Biotope!
I built the tank last winter. Planted it in January and stocked it over the following several months.

36" long x 10" deep x 10" high home-made tank.
This is a Walstad-style setup. No filter; no ferts except what nature is kind enough to provide; light stocking; lots of plants; garden soil-under-sand substrate; 3w pump for water circulation running through a tube buried in the sand to a small spray bar on the opposite side. This gives a nice, slow flow through the tank.
Fluval Aquasky light set to a 10 hour on, 14 hour off cycle with about a half hour of dawn and dusk on either side and some cloudy weather around the middle of the day.
100w cheapo heater.
Home-made backdrop. It's supposed to look like a brick levy bordering a rice paddy or ditch. I made it from blue poly foam, Drylok paint, and concrete pigment.
Split bamboo to simulate rice. Because, you know, this is supposed to be a ride paddy, but I can't grow rice to save my life. See below.
The little pot is actually from Thailand, not Sumatra. Next time I get over to Sumatra, though, I plan to pick up the real thing. If the loaches know the difference, they don't seem to mind.

Temp 78F
Hardness <5 dgh.
pH c. 7.5-8
Nitrates: <10 ppm
No nasty stuff. :)

I originally wanted this tank to be stocked with licorice gouramis, in hopes of getting a breeding pair. Unfortunately, all of the LGs I could find were wild-caught, and since I am fairly inexperienced at breeding fish, I couldn't justify removing them from the wild.
3 male Betta imbellis, two of which were born in this tank. My female sadly died last summer, and I have decided for now not to replace her.
10 Dwarf rasbora (Boraras Maculatus). Six of them are new and haven't fully colored up yet.
5 Dwarf kuhli loach (Pangio cuneovirgata)
7 Amano shrimp (Caridina multidentata). These don't live in Sumatra, but related species do. Close enough.
More than a couple Malaysian Trumpet Snails (Melanoides tuberculata)
Several Bladder Snails (Physella sp.)
Assorted substrate critters: Blackworms, scuds, daphnia, copepods. I haven't seen any worms since shortly after I added the loaches, and I haven't seen any of the crustaceans since I added the bettas. It's a mystery, that...

Paddy herb (Limnophila aromatica).
Crystalwort (Riccia fluitans)
Floating fern (Salvinia natans)
Clover fern (Marsilia crenata)
Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia
Java moss (Taxiphyllum barieri)
And nope, no rice. I am, so far, an utter failure at growing rice. I managed to kill off the latest batch just when it was almost big enough to put in the tank. Rice is not forgiving to those of us who sometimes forget to water our plants. So, for now there is split bamboo. Stay tuned for further rice-growing adventures.

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Congrats to @WhislingBadger with his very unique looking Sumatran Rice Paddy biotope. Very imaginative setup you have there, WB!
Coming in 2nd place is @Kaleidoscope with their beautiful and very colorful 6 gallon setup. Nice job!
And coming in 3rd place is @anewbie with their well planted 5 gallon tank. Great looking tank!

Thanks go out to everyone who participated in this contest by entering and/or voting. As we enter the new year, let's keep the participation in our contests very high.

Right now we are accepting entries in our Fish of the Month contest. This month we are featuring any fish at all but are espcecially seeking oddballs. Click the link below to view the entry thread.
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wow that is a really nice tank, i remember watching that video when i was just scrolling thru youtube LOL
love the paddy herb
wow that is a really nice tank, i remember watching that video when i was just scrolling thru youtube LOL
love the paddy herb
I'll send you some at some point. Keep bugging me about it. Might be next spring before it's warm enough, though.
As winner of Tank of the Month, WB will soon be awarded a nice banner for his profile area signifying his TOTM win. His tank will be added to our Tank of the Month Wall of Fame
I'll bet you could learn to play that music with your musical talents.
Thanks! That's really nice of you to say. I've studied gamelan (the clangy, gongy music in the video) just enough to make a real mess of it. :) Indonesian music has its own system of music theory, and I'm not willing or able to put in the time and effort to do it justice.

I'm especially fond of the gamelan music from Bali (head south from Sumatra and take a left at Java). Check this out. The recurring themes, the dynamic contrasts, the "drop" around 3:40, and the incredible skill and unity of the musicians. Play it through a good set of speakers or better yet, some good headphones. This is powerful stuff. The best I could ever do would be a very cheap imitation.
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Shocking that a catbox didn't win.

Congrats on the win, I've always been intrigued by biotopes of environments disrupted by human activity. Interesting concept.
Shocking that a catbox didn't win.

Congrats on the win, I've always been intrigued by biotopes of environments disrupted by human activity. Interesting concept.
That's part of what interests me. It's this man-made ecosystem, but one that's been more-or-less stable for at least a couple thousand years. So it's a strange blend of human intervention and nature adapting and taking its course. Perfect for a Walstad tank. :)

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