Whirling Green Terror


New Member
May 23, 2018
Reaction score
Tank Size: 65-gallon
pH: 7.6
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 0
tank temp: 79 F

I 've had a female green terror in a 65-gallon tank for about a year and a half. It is about 4-5 inches and was very healthy until a few months ago. She laid eggs several times a year and of course with no male they would die off.

About six weeks or so ago she started to whirl in place. When she gets into this state her color darkens significantly, and her fins become clamped.

For about a month she would occasionally go into this state and then seem normal. Now she is in this aggravated state most of the time. Her appetite is fine, however. I was feeding her frozen bloodworms because that was all she would eat but she has since gone back to pellets.

in this video, she is actually in one of her more calm states.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 30% weekly.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: None

Tank inhabitants: None

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): None

Exposure to chemicals: None


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If the fish is eating well and not rubbing on objects then I think she has a psychological issue. Basically she is going nuts. You need to find her a boyfriend so she can raise a family. You don't want to keep all the young but letting here hatch and rear a batch of babies would help her act more normally. When the babies are old enough to be moved out you kill most of them and keep 10-20 nice ones to rear up and sell.

If you introduce a new male watch that she doesn't kill it. She could be completely nuts and kill anyone you introduce or she could be fine.

You could try rearranging her tank too and make sure you have a picture on the back of the tank.
And feed her a varied diet not just 1 or 2 types of food.
If the fish is eating well and not rubbing on objects then I think she has a psychological issue. Basically she is going nuts. You need to find her a boyfriend so she can raise a family. You don't want to keep all the young but letting here hatch and rear a batch of babies would help her act more normally. When the babies are old enough to be moved out you kill most of them and keep 10-20 nice ones to rear up and sell.

If you introduce a new male watch that she doesn't kill it. She could be completely nuts and kill anyone you introduce or she could be fine.

You could try rearranging her tank too and make sure you have a picture on the back of the tank.
And feed her a varied diet not just 1 or 2 types of food.

OK, worth a try. I have rearranged the tank several times. Most of what you see in there I had taken out for a while but she seems more comfortable with some landscaping so I put it back in. She has gotten much worse in the last few days spinning almost constantly.

She was raised with a common pleco that she practically killed even though I had provided good hiding places for the pleco. I have since removed it. She has been on a steady diet of pellets and bloodworms. She won't touch brine shrimp. I did throw a few peas in there which she played with a bit. I think she ate one of them.

Before putting in another fish I would like to make sure that this isn't a disease. I wouldn't want to hurt another one.
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