Which Would You Say Breeds More Readily?


Starting again
May 17, 2009
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Bournemouth, UK
Out of pandas, bronze and peppereds? I know factors play a varying vital role such as suitable conditions as well as good water quality and triggers but out of the above what would you say breeds the most readily>? Thanks peeps
ive kept bronze and peppers but only just got some pandas so cant really say about them. but i had the bronze for about 4 months and got nothink and within a few weeks of getting peppers they spawned without me doing anythink.not sure if thats much help but :]
lol thanks for that kizno, just the sorts of opinions needed. :good: Anyone else agree or have different findings?
That's a good question, lilacamy931, but I just can't say. They are all good spawners at maturity and in the right conditions.

I've found that the C. aeneus will breed readily and produce huge batches of eggs but C. pandas will repeatedly give small batches. While both C. pandas and C. paleatus tend to be egg eaters, I've had better luck with collecting the panda eggs. I gave up on peppered corys for this reason.

If you're looking to raise a batch of corys and don't mind what kind, I'd recomment either bronze or albino C. aeneus. All things being equal, it's easier to raise one big batch than a number of batches spawned at different times. :)
Thanks so much for that Inchworm, that is very insightful and definately what I need :good: thank you xxx I think I will try some bronze as my very last cory!
Well the bronzes are decided, the tank is mature just need to change the substrate. At the moment rotten horrible sharp coloured gravel. I have pea gravel to hand. I know sand is the optimum substrate but have had immense goodness with pea gravel in my community tank that houses the gold perus and caudimaculatus, no bad barbels and I check carefully as often as I can. What do you guys think to pea gravel in with the bronze? My cube has sand though tbh it could be finer for the habrosus and pandas. Another idea to play with, the tank has only live plants, would it be best to pot the plants to make easier for removal of eggs and disturbing less or not much difference and to replant into the substrate? Very excited, I love finding the right fish, sourcing them at the moment to try and get the best examples in the area. :good:

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