Hello. Has anybody had good results with either hydrogen peroxide or antibiotics? My anti algae regime has wrecked my tank and without meaningfull success. The slime algae is defeating me so I have decided to do a tank overhaul. My plan is to remove all of my shrimp and fish before treating and uprooting all my plants so that everything can be scrubbed down really well. I would like to save my plants though my moss wall is pretty much destroyed. Would a solution of hydrogen peroxide or antibiotics be most successful at destroying the slime without killing the plants? I may also need to treat my filter sponges as they seem to be infused with Cyanobacteria. As well as the tank overhaul I will be blocking it off from natural sunlight and replacing the plant grow light with better aquarium light. I have spare filter sponges ready in my algae free setup to do a quick cycle if necessary. Thanks for your help.