Which Uv Filter To Add Onto An Fx 5


New Member
Apr 27, 2009
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I have got a 150g malawi tank with an fx5 filter. It is quite highly stocked but i do 50% water changes once a week to main water quality. I planned to get a UV filter to remove as much algae etc from the water and hope the water will become clearer. I wondered if anyone knew what UV filter is best to put after the fx5 as I know flow rate is very important for the UV filter to work properly? Has anyone else put a UV filter after an FX5? Also is there a big diffenence in quality between branded UV steralisers and cheaper ones?

Cheers for your help
do you run that UV filter directly after the FX5 or after the sump? or are the two combined?
i dont use a canister filter only a sump its runs from the return pump to the tank it should be from tank to sump really but it wont fit on my 40mm outlets lol.

that would be the best way to fit one on the return to filter pipe as the filter will catch the dead algea and it wont go into the tank
oh right yes, i miss read your previous post, i would have liked a sump in my tank but i dont have the room to fit it. i am happy with my fx5 but i read a review that said the actual flow rate is 1991 litres per hour when the vectrol uv25's max flow rate is 1700 litres per hour. everywhere i have read said that flow rate is very important for the uv steraliser to work.
the vectron uv25 can only cope with up to 1700 lph where the fx5 does 3500 lph so the uv25 would be useless! I have an fx5 and have been looking fos a uvs for it for about a year and havent found one. Ill be watching this thread to see what comes up!
A good option would be to buy that UV along with a slow Eheim external pump, which aren't that expensive.
yes i see, well aparently the FX5 when full of media apparently only produces about 1990 litres per hour as the 3500 l/h spec is when the filter is empty as obiously it has no resistance. I have found cheap ones on ebay for about £40 that say they can handle it:


Thats why i asked if a good make like TMC makes a differnce from a cheaper unbranded one.
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the reason i havent bought a smaller pump for a UV filter is my family are concerned about the eletricity bill, now i know each item has a different power rating but as far as there concerned one UV filter is one plug socket where as another pump and UV filter is two plug sockets lol. Really i wanted the UV filter but it isnt a nessesity.
Go with a TMC Pond Clear Advantage UV8, which will only cost you about £50 and last much longer than any of similar priced copies found on ebay
have a look for a external filter with a uv in it ebay do some sometimes if you sell the fx5 it wouldn't really cost you anything lol but the fx5 is one of the best externels you can get though

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