Which Tetra?

Which tetra?

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Man of fish

I'm Interested in.... ----|> that
Nov 18, 2011
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Please help me decide!!!!! I'll post pics of each in a second.

Espe's rasbora:


Cardinal tetra:

Pristella tetra:

I really liked pristellas at first but after having them for a couple of months they got boring. That could just be me though. :huh: I'd go with cardinals.
My espei's stay in a school all of the time, compared to the tetras I had previously. I really like them :p
Cardinal tetras, x rays and rasboras just don't have enough color.
I'm liking espes and cardinals best but cards are in first with 4 with pristella and espes tied behind at 3!!!!!!
Chose the espe's as their colour would go well with our existing harlequins and I'm not particularly keen on any form of tetra.

Looks like it's going to be between cardinals and espes!! The stats are:

Pristella: 3
Cardinal: 6
Espes: 5

I think I'm leaning towards espes though. The poll will end tomorrow night or Saturday morning. Then I'll add 1 vote to my favorite and see what we've got!!!

Also any suggestions on a show pleco?
I read the rasboras are pretty hardy actually.....
I would never say that rasboras are delicate. I have put my tank through A LOT of medication while diagnosing a very deadly illness from new fish....

The rasboras through everything, have never stopped shoaling, haven't lost any color no matter what water temp, and they are still going strong. I have other fish that have taken it hard, and had secondary issues.
This is what I've read and another reason why I'm leaning more towards the espeis as I believe the cardinals are also wild caught :/
I would never say that rasboras are delicate. I have put my tank through A LOT of medication while diagnosing a very deadly illness from new fish....

The rasboras through everything, have never stopped shoaling, haven't lost any color no matter what water temp, and they are still going strong. I have other fish that have taken it hard, and had secondary issues.
X-Ray Tetras are very adaptable fish for true tropical setups in the mid to high 20s, they are found in both freshwater and brakish estuaries, making them one of the few good South American tetras for those of us with hard water. Only downside is that they are not considered to be boisterous feeders, so they need similar nature tankmates that are not much bigger than themselves.

What size is the tank your chosen group are going in?
What else is already and/or do you have planned to add?

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