Which Tank Would Be Better For My Betta?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 18, 2009
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I have my Betta in a Juwel Rekord 120 litre at the moment. His tank mates include, Cherry Barbs, Pentozona, Barbs, Rainbowfish, Shrimps, Tetras and a bristlenose. I am thinking of putting him in a tank of his own, maybe a 22 litre, as I have seen a Aquael one I like. The reason for this, is incase he gets aggressive at some point, the water flow and air stone in the tank etc etc.

Opinions please! :good:
That's 5 gallons which is the best minimum size for a single male. You could also add some shrimp for tankmates as well. A tank of his own to rule would probably be best for him really :good:
Thanks all! Looks like I will be getting tank number 2 tonight!

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