Guys, I have just moved my topical community fish into a 210l 4ft tank. List is:
Tinfoil Barbs x 4 (I think they are the red tail variety)
Clown Loach x 2
Bala Shark x 1
Pink kissers x 2
dwarf Gourami x 2
Ruby Shark x 1
Yellow labs x 2
Now, I know I was given poor advice from a LFS and ended up with a some of 'tankbusters' as well as malawi in a community tank.
I intend to set up a malawi tank and move the 2 yellow labs out, now my old tank is 160l 3ft job (which I am actually trying to sell) but I may this evening be going to look at a 350l corner tank. Would the corner unit be better suited to the community? I know the 210l 4ft tank will make a good malawi tank and would it actually be a better shape for malawis as submisive fish could perhaps get further away from aggressive ones? The dimensions of the corner tank are basically 3ft along the back(s), 4ft along the front and 2ft high? 4ft is 48x18x15.
BTW, I am happy to let the tinfoils go as well, I realise they were a mistake.
Tinfoil Barbs x 4 (I think they are the red tail variety)
Clown Loach x 2
Bala Shark x 1
Pink kissers x 2
dwarf Gourami x 2
Ruby Shark x 1
Yellow labs x 2
Now, I know I was given poor advice from a LFS and ended up with a some of 'tankbusters' as well as malawi in a community tank.
I intend to set up a malawi tank and move the 2 yellow labs out, now my old tank is 160l 3ft job (which I am actually trying to sell) but I may this evening be going to look at a 350l corner tank. Would the corner unit be better suited to the community? I know the 210l 4ft tank will make a good malawi tank and would it actually be a better shape for malawis as submisive fish could perhaps get further away from aggressive ones? The dimensions of the corner tank are basically 3ft along the back(s), 4ft along the front and 2ft high? 4ft is 48x18x15.
BTW, I am happy to let the tinfoils go as well, I realise they were a mistake.