Which substrate should I use in my new tank. I've used good old play sand in the past with good results. Only problem I did find was the scratched glass. Have ooked at aquatic substrates, but from what I've read, they only keep nutrients for about 1year so what's the real point if you're using EI? Also, do they have an impact on ph over time?
You can use pretty much anything, the substrates that 'have' nutrients within it are just as good IMO as any that collect/absorb from the water column.... ie a good cec substrate will hold nutrients for lets say an emergency 'if' you forget to column dose.
What are you purposely looking for?... are you doing it on a budget or doesn't price matter?... there are some excellent purpose substrates out there but they aren't really needed to a certain extent for your average planted tank.
If you are worried about longevity of a substrate I would suggest looking at the Tropica substrate range. This product actually comes almost nutrient free however it is composed of clay and sphagnum which is placed under your normal substrate be it sand or gravel. The product then absorbs nutrients from the water column and retains them for plants to absorb them through the roots. I have had great success with this product and you don't need to renew it.
The only downside is if you disturb the gravel a lot you may release clay/sphagnum particles into the water clouding it.
Then he may aswell go for something like akadama, much much cheaper and will do exactly the same as the tropica you've mentioned above...only downside is it only comes in a redish brown colour (really is actually quite nice though lol).
The upsides are, you dont need to cap it, cheaper and lasts a long time