Which shoaling fish to buy?

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Is that 80 inches long? As in six and a half feet?

If so, have you thought about clown loaches? I know they are not what everyone might think of as shoaling, but they will swim together all the time. My five are almost never apart, and since they got over their new habitat, they never stop swimming.

Just a thought.

Sorry, I'm metric not imperial. At the moment I don't have room for a big tank but if we get rid of the kitchen table we could fit in another tank!!

I'm sort of leaning towards a really big freshwater tank next year and then converting the tank I've got at the moment into a marine tank but I've not looked into it enough yet to see if that would work out size wise.
I have t4 types of shoaling fish.

The glow-lites and the neons are pretty nice to have. Sometimes i wish i went with these fish alone and nothing else in my tank. 30-40 Neons would look nice They just have a mysterious look to the way the bob in the water. Most of the time the 4 neons and the 4 glow-lites keep to theimselves, but there are times they will swim in one little school together.

The barbs are little devils. They school together some of the time. Rarely will all 13 swim together, but it does happen. Usually i have two separate schools of 4-5 fish and then 2-3 loners. They also are fin-nippers and sometimes bother my tetras. I kinda wish i didn't buy these fish as they make it hard to diversify the upper levels. Anything with fins they nip!

Even my otocinclus Catifish shoal together. They are never apart and sometimes i find them chasing each other around the tank or swimming in groups. Been meaning to pick up 1-2 more of them.

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