Since we're on the subject:
If I have pH of 7.8 and use pH Down to try to get it to say 7.2. I follow instructions cautiously and add instead of 2 drops per gallon just one drop per gallon.
First question: is there an immediate spike in pH? I tested about 5 minutes after and got a reading of over 9!!!!
Tested 5 min after that and in 2 tests was back at around 7.8. Is this normal?
Second question: the directions say not to lower more than .2 per day with fish in the tank. But it gives no advice about how much to add per gallon to achieve that effect. Should we presume 2 drops per gallon yields a .2 drop in pH per day
Third question: why should I do this? I'm temped not to do this again after that scare. Is there THAT much difference to the fish between 7.8 and 7?
Oh, and Fourth: once you go this route, you are ALWA?YS doing it, right? Meaning, every water change will require adjustment of pH with the drops? This seems rather a difficult process and one that will lead to fluctuation, no???
I have a community tank with dwarf gouramis, platies (for now), clown loaches, an SAE, a couple Otos, and one baby dwarf bristlenose pleco
I'm seriously tempted not to touch this pH down stuff again, despite repeated advice from some here to get my pH down from 7.8
Cheers all!