Which Pleco?


New Member
Jan 10, 2010
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i have a 265l community, planted tank. feeding around the gravel i have:
1 bristle nose
1 red tailed shark
1 clown loach

i used to have 2 coolie loaches that i loved, unfortunatly they got sucked up the filter!

i want to get a pleco and had my eye on a blue phantom until i saw the price tag!

any ideas on a good pleco for my tank? would like something which is pleasing/interesting to look at!!

Quite a lot that could work in your tank really. Slate Blues usually trade between £30-40 so yeah they are pretty steep. Quite a common attractive small one is L201 the inspector plec which is black with white spots usually £20-25. The main thing with plec prices is usually dependent on where you go, for example some places will just charge £40 for anything with an L number where as half an hour down the road an other place will actually realize what each is worth and you might find the same fish for half the price. So its sometimes best to shop around, but I would consider £20 to be a decent price for most L numbers and anything less is a bargain in my books :lol:.

If its cost thats putting you off, have a look on aquarist classified Ive found many a bargain plec on there. In your tank you can accommodate most things around 8 inches and under.

Hi how about one of these.

Leopard pleco.

Flame pleco.

Zebra pleco.

Adonis pleco.

Candy stripe pleco.

Flat head pleco.

Hope you like them.
Sorry but they are just really really really inappropriate for this tank!!!! L114 farrr too big, L25 the cactus pleco again too big and has a few special needs that have to be taken into account it also costs major money. The zebra pleco is at least £100 for a baby.

And then possibly the biggest piece of bad advice ever, the adonis plec. Its called an adonis plec for a reason and has the capacity to grow to the close to the length of the tank alone let alone actually live in it.

How ever the last two could be suitable. Seriously actually read what it says under the pictures first before you just post them, sorry to be so nasty but they really really were stupid suggestions.
are they vegitarian? (not that i am!) i currenly have pellets and wafers for feeding and don't really want to get into live feeding as a regular thing?
i have 2x L201 and 1xL134 Very pretty plecs, stay small and dont cause any problems :good:

Think i had the 201's for £5 each and the 134 for £7, cant quite remember now but they were from a local breeder (shop prices are stupid!)

I also had a golden nugget plec, bought from a shop (£30) he was fantastic as a centre piece fish but the tank got neglected and he died :sad:

Also you should up the number on the clownloachs, they do much better in groups (not sure on the size of your tank though)
Sorry but they are just really really really inappropriate for this tank!!!! L114 farrr too big, L25 the cactus pleco again too big and has a few special needs that have to be taken into account it also costs major money. The zebra pleco is at least £100 for a baby.

And then possibly the biggest piece of bad advice ever, the adonis plec. Its called an adonis plec for a reason and has the capacity to grow to the close to the length of the tank alone let alone actually live in it.

How ever the last two could be suitable. Seriously actually read what it says under the pictures first before you just post them, sorry to be so nasty but they really really were stupid suggestions.

Ok. Btw i didnt say cactus pleco!
L24 is also known as cactus plec

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