Which pleco should I buy?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 24, 2004
Reaction score
Omaha, NE
Okay, we are doing a new cichlid tank and I would like to put a pleco in there. The lfs guy was suggesting a gold nugget pleco for 20.00. Well, I find them to be rather attractive and the price is ok. I read that they get to be about 8" which is good. The problem is I heard several people say they are not hardy.

I periodically search the want ads, etc. and will end up with a huge tank one day, but even so, I would like a pleco that gets no larger than say...1 ft in legnth. I would like one in that general price range, fairly hardy and will be ok with cichlids.

what do you want it to do?

I guess eat algae?

If so - avoid most of the smaller plecs.

Bristlenoses however will be cheap, small and LOVE algae :)
Pretty much I want it to keep my tank clean and not get eaten! I did see a bristle nose and my son really liked him. I read that they get to be 15 cm. which is about 6". Does this sound correct? He is definatley in my price range.

I swear, the lfs drives me crazy sometimes. They said that they got to be huge, so I said no to him and started to think about the 'smaller' gold nugget...(where is the smiley of one smacking the lfs guy upside the head! lol)

Anyone else have suggestions?
I'm not sure if 6 inch is attainable in an aquarium environment, but I hear they can go up to 4 - 5 inches. Mine is only 3.5 inch, and they spawned already. One of them is in the Malawi tank, and she is doing fine... ;)
somewhere around 4-6 sounds right - it depends on the type of bristle nose really

they all love algae though...

we added 3 of our small fry (now 4 weeks old to our 50gal tonight - they think its christmas - they didn't stop eating for about 3 hours (before the light went out and that was the last we'll so of the 0.5" fry untill they get a bit bigger)
I can confirm that they are really good algae eaters. The tank where they spawned, the glasses are REALLY clean - they really do a good job. I leave the light on 16 hours a day to promote some algae growth, and for now, they are loosing big time to bristlenoses... :D

Even the 3+ inch ones try to eat algae on leaves that's half their length...

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