Which Plec?


Fish Crazy
Jan 11, 2008
Reaction score
Hampshire UK

I'd like to get my first Plec for the new 4' aquarium I've just set up. Couple of questions for the experienced keepers out there.

I'd like a smallish one if possible, other inhabitants are 6 cories and tetras, maybe a few shrimp too, I'm undecided yet. Do they need to be in pairs? Or are they happy alone? Are they destructive towards a planted aquarium? (mine is) Do they need to be in an established tank or are they ok in a new set up?

I know they produce a lot of waste, so numbers of tank mates would be kept down.

Thanks for your help, :)
Have a look at the sticky the plec section

It depends on the plec whether thay dig your plants up or not, thay dont need to be in pairs tbh if you 2,3 or 4 thay will make there own territories

plenty of hiding places/caves and most plecs must have some bogwood to aid there digestion

some of my faves are...........

L066 King tiger
L134 Imperial tiger
Common bristle-nose and albino Bn
L200 Green frog
L260 Queen Arabesque Pleco

And i love zebra plecs there very rare and go for 70 upwards and anything over a grand for a breeding pair

one of the only site you need for plecs [URL="http://www.planetcatfish.com/"]http://www.planetcatfish.com/[/URL] have a look in the cat-elog
Hi, thanks, I was trying to remember the name of the plec site. Thanks for the reminder!!
Ancistrus catfish
common name...
bristle nosed catfish

they only get 4 to 6 in

they albinos look pretty cool
I have a bristle nose she is a little girl right now only about 2 inches. They get to be about 5 inches they are great little workers and will eat up any algae. They are very peaceful and are happy as an only pleco Most are that way. I highly recommend these guys. I also have a Clown pleco L104 she is very shy but so pretty and is full grown at 3 inches some get to be 4 inches.

Th bulldog pleco aka rubber-nose pleco are good and go little workers as well. They only get to be about 3-4 inches too.

There are SO many types of plecos you might not be able to find the exact one you are looking for at your LFS. So if you do find a cool looking pleco that catches your eye research it first see if it is what you are looking for in size, cleaning, temperament, and all that. Then go back and get it.

Good luck finding the pleco of your dreams. They are great little fish. They have become my favourite fish to keep.

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