Which Plec Could I Have?


Fish Crazy
Jul 7, 2006
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I wanted a nicely coloured plec that stays small for my 40g soon to be heavily planted tank. I wanted something like a golden nugget plec. Any ideas?
IMO bn done eat much algae but they have wonderful markings on them i will ahve to get you a pic of mine he is only about 2nhalf inches so far
I wouldn't bother with a Gold Nugget - they grow big (depending on which L number you get as there are three different GNs) and they're notorious for dying within the first couple of months of getting them.

There are some lovely smaller plecs out there - there's a good thread on the plec board if you haven't seen it already:

I was thiking about a snowball plec. Will they be okay in a heavily planted with a little bogwood?
planted and plecs don`t mix to well in my experience...

the plecos tend to nibvble on your plants and snap stems
Yeah you'd need a bigger tank for a gold nugget, they can get to 16". I'd go for a clown plec, flash plec, bristlenose, Queen Arabesque or Leopard Frog (purely because they're all my favourite small plecs lol). You'll need bogwood in there if you get a clown or a flash, as they're both from the panaque family - wood eaters :)
You should be fine with a Snowball pleco as they only grow to about 6 inches. As long as you've got bogwood and a couple of caves it should be fine.
You should be fine with a Snowball pleco as they only grow to about 6 inches. As long as you've got bogwood and a couple of caves it should be fine.

Go carefull with "snowball" plecs the common name covers a few different plecs...
We have teh Big White spot LDA33 also called a snowball and it has the potential to get to 10"

40 UK gallons is 50 US or around 180L - I'll guess its a 4ft tank?

If so a 10" plecs should be fine. A nice L114 Leopard Cactus or a Para Plec L075... something a little bigger and more unusual ;)
I wouldn't (personally) go for anything that grows to 10" in a 4ft - we had De Niro our old gibby in one til he was about 7" and he came out because he was so cramped and keeping up with the water quality was hard in such a small amount of water with such a large poo machine. No offence intended smithrc :blush:
In a 40g I would get 4 or 5 Pitbulls. good tank cleaner. nice and small, and friendly to boot.

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