Which one?

Annastasia said:
Okay, I narrowed down my choices to:
Endlers Livebearers

Can cichlids get along with any ther fish? I don't want a whole tank takin' up with cichlids. If I did catfish or Endlers, I could put some other fish in after I am done with the project.
But I am really interested in cichlids.
Any other comments?
There are a few cichlids that do ok with other fish!! I have Kribs and they can go community. A good set up for them is a male that is bigger than the female, caves (with one small entrance) at opposite ends of the tank, and some 'target' fish. These keep the male occupied and he won' turn on the female.

I would advise against bottom dwellers as the kribs might feel they are a threat and they are known to defend their young very well.

I think rams are a possiblility too, well I know they can live in a community.
Okay I have decided to do

Probably like Kribs or other community cichlids.
Thanks for all your help!
You know what i would do i would buy one of those betta tanks you can divide up and do all three :fun:
How are you planning to share your 4-H project? Are you going to have to bring fish for display/judging to other locations? If so you may want to rethink and go with the cold water goldfish - temp control being a problem when they are on the move... Are others in your club also doing fish? How many? This is very cool - we've a few 4-H'ers here that have done the fish tank thing too...

No I don't have to bring my fish anywhere. I have a project book, which I have to work from. I am planning on doing a demo at the fair on community tank fish and planning.

We don't currently have a fish club, but my best friend (guppygirl) and I are doing this project.
I am SOOO excited about this project. They are going to come out with a whole project on aqautic plants,soon. I am planning to do that one too.

I love 4-H. I have done the horse and small animal project too.

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