Fish Fanatic
I can't comment on choices, but it might be worth giving Maidenhead@Cambridge a call, they often have a few plecs in stock, if not they'd order for you.Hi,
I'm looking to get a plec(or 2) for my tank. I have a 240L with 2 senegalus and 2 gouramis in.
I wasn't sure whether to go for a common plec or 2 smaller bristlenoses? Or if someone could suggest a different type, my lfs has some royal plecs in(but they don't look like royals to me). Apart from those I haven't seen any in there ever! So I'd have to buy from an online retailer or I know of someone local whose bristlenoses are always breeding so they are easy enough to get.
Also is it best to have 1 or 2, wasn't sure if they got lonely.