Which Of These Fish Can Go With A Fighter?

Just another quick question if i may? :D

I've been reading some of the threads by people looking to spawn baby Bettas and them saying they have jars ready to put them in.Don't Bettas strictly need a heater then?
Could they survive and thrive in a tank with no heater say if it was put in the sun light or something like that?

I also read on websites that people where they come from in Asia? keep them in pottery etc so again they must not keep them in heated water?

Oh also if they don't need a heater then would the same go for a filter if it was a small jar/tank if you changed some of the water each day for water that's in your main tank?

The only tank I have that has a heater or a filter is my 10 gallon sorority. The boys do not have heaters or filters, and they are just fine. I change their water once every 1-2 weeks. Most people around here will say that's not enough, but I know quite a few who change their water less than that, and their bettas are just fine. (Check out cracker's recent threads. ;) ) There's only one of my boys that has been kept like that less than a year, and they are all happy and healthy. No stress lines, eating, blowing nests, the whole bit. :)

The coldest my water has gotten, though is 72, and that was with the window open. It generally stays up around 74. As long as it doesn't ever get colder than 68 (which is definitely not ideal, but they can survive in it), then they will be fine without heaters.
Thanks for that i will indeed look at Crackers threads:)
Well we bought one.He's blue with a red and blue tail/fins :)
My daughter has wanted one and did want a red one but in the end plumped for that one.
He's in the smaller tank with the baby mollies.

Edit:Forgot to say but my LFS said it's fine to put bettas in a tank with no heater or filter.

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