Which Of These Fish Can Go With A Fighter?


New Member
Jan 26, 2006
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X-ray tetra(pristella's)
Golden Barbs
Rummynose tetra's

If you had to put other fish with him or her, I'd say the neons and rummynose should be okay, the others will be too nippy.

But bettas (fighters) are best kept on their own in a nice tank all to themselves, 1.5 gals + is good. :thumbs: Don't get a masssive tank for him/her though because s/he may get scared.
Neons are notorious fin nippers and will tear a bettas fins to shreds, not sure about the other fish though! If you want a betta you would probably be best off doing what splish said and getting him his own small 1.5 gallon tank he would be much happier on his own! If you do really want tetras in my experience glowlights don't nip their fins I currently have a male betta in with 8 glowlights and they dont bother each other at all but I bought them from the same the same tank in the LFS which could be why!
none. tetras + betta = one unhappy betta
Try shrimp or ADFs
Thanks i asked as we got a small 15 litre tank last week which we was going to use to keep babies in but my daughter has wanted a fighter since we started fish keeping.So we was thinking of putting him in there with maybe a couple of other small fish as those above are some of the ones we already have and could have put a couple of them in maybe and left the babies in the main tank.

15 litres is only approx 3 US gallons.
room for 1 betta and 1 betta only!

Isn't the general rule though 1inch of fish to 1 litre of water?
As Betta's only get to around 2.5 inches doesn't that leave room for another small fish or two?
Ok cheers i'll have to re-read the booklet that came with our tank then as i'm sure that says inch per 1 litre.
Strange i looked at the booklet that came with our tank and that does indeed say 1inch fish to 1 litre.I then checked the JBL booklet i picked up weeks ago from our LFS and that also says the same
Those people:)

It also says per litre on a few websites i looked at but again on the other hand a few others have said 1 inch per gallon.
The 1inch ratio is not a rule, but a guideline, and has qualifiers on it, as 1inch of Dwarf Puffer or Pleco does not equal 1inch of Otocinculus.

Adding more to a 3 gallon tank is possible, but it takes a lot of work and research and dilligence. It's not advisable. There are pretty much NO fish you can add to the tank, but as the FAQ says, you may add an African Dwarf frog (as in, a single frog), or some Ghost Shrimp. However, the Ghost Shrimp needs very good living conditions, and bettas are prone to... you know, murdering them and such.
1 inch per litre is just plain wrong and a good way to end up with a horrifically overstocked tank and dead fish... which is a good way for the LFS to sell more fish, if you catch my drift :no:. Good for the LFS, not so good for the fish. The rule is generally 1 inch of fish per US gallon, and like soritan said, it's really just a guideline anyway.
Ok thanks for the replies.At the moment we have put the baby mollies in the small tank anyway.Just to make it a bit clearer what i said earlier it was a booklet from the people i gave the website for which i picked up from my LFS not as such them saying that was the general rule of stocking fish or what they do:)

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