Which Is Better: Hang On Back Filter Or Canister?

Another concern i have about the canister filter is that in a tank i had several years ago (which i gave to a friend when i moved) my young khulis would randomly try to swim into my aquaclear filter and get smushed. :crazy: anyone hear of them doing this with a canister filter? I'm definitely getting khulis, so its a big concern.
If you are worried about fry geting sucked into the intake of the filter. Stick a bit of sponge over it or a old sock/tights.
I'd have to agree that as far as HOB type filters go, aquaclear are the best simply because of their reliability and media options. I have had penguin and emperor hob types before too, and they are decent filters, but because of the flexibility of the aquaclear they come in 2nd on my list.

In the end it's all about personal choice. Both types will do the job just fine.
i think that aquaclears are good, i have the 70g aquaclear for my 30g, but my problem with it is that its very loud. not even just the trickling noise. it is just generally loud.
Another concern i have about the canister filter is that in a tank i had several years ago (which i gave to a friend when i moved) my young khulis would randomly try to swim into my aquaclear filter and get smushed. :crazy: anyone hear of them doing this with a canister filter? I'm definitely getting khulis, so its a big concern.

Khulis are known for that in almost any filter: I have even heard they thrived in a filter! But as aquatom said: put some sponge or stocking over the intake and you won't have that problem.
Ok, great! i'm pretty sure i'll be going with a canister filter... seems to be the favorite for larger tanks. thanks everyone!
i am also not to crazy about having like 6,000,000 different cartridges that are expensive and sold seperately from each other
For a larger tank, I almost always go with a canister for the simple flexibility it gives me with filter media. A canister often goes much longer between cleanings than a HOB or an internal. Both HOB and internal HOB filters have one thing in common that I dislike. To keep them quiet in operation, water level control is critical. The splashing sounds start as soon as the water level drops at all. In the winter in Canada, with central heating, you will see tank water levels drop visibly in a day or two so anything that demands a constant water level leads to a need for frequent water additions as well as weekly water changes. I live well south of you and still go through about 35 gallons a week of RO water just to top off my tanks between water changes.
i am also not to crazy about having like 6,000,000 different cartridges that are expensive and sold seperately from each other

The beauty of most filters if not all you can put what you like in.

I remember seeing OldMan posting a picture of him using pot scrubbers in his Rena XP filter, I actually use pillow fluff for floss after a water change to get my water crystal clear for the week :p. My sponges are usually recycled sponges from other filters or what not.

My ceramic media is half fluval and half random chinese brand which I picked up for £2. Ceramic pretty much will never need changing in the life of the filter itself. The sponges should only really be changed when they are literally breaking apart.

IMO with a new filter I think it's best to remove the media supplied look at it and determine what you want in there for practical issues. I changed my Fluval 205 around the instant I got it, My Fluval U1/U2 got instantly changed and so did my Eheim powerball. In fact I recycled the spare sponges I got from the Juwel Rio box filter into smaller sponges to fit my smaller filters, Plus the juwel floss can be rinsed so easily in TAP water to use for polishing.

I think media is only an issue with a wet/dry filter.

Edit: I also had a Stingray 15 filter for my girlfriends tank which I broke open the cartridges used to hold carbon and zeolite and then placed ceramic media in those as well as a larger sponge. Once that worked with its flow rate I imagine that had quite a lot of processing power!

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