Which Is Best Suited?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 21, 2009
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Hi my aquarium will soon be like this, 30L, 26-28C, 7.8-8.0 pH, moderately hard water, moderately planted, bright light and with 10 ramshorn snails and 6-8 guppies. I would like to keep some tetras in this and I know that the conditions are not best suited to most but which of these tetras will thrive happily in this environment? Out of Serpae, glowlight, Emperor and black phantom tetras? Any help would be appreciated,


all of those tetras listed get quite big and are full bodied except the glowlights. in a 30L i wouldnt keep any to be honest :sad:
Even Glowlights may be too big, Ember Tetras may be a better alternative
Ok thank you for your input, i'd like the keep galaxy rasboras to be honest but they are fairly expensive for a small fish and i dont know anywhere that sells them, they would be fine in my tank I think but if I cant keep them I'm not sure what else to put in there :/

I hadnt even heard of them until you mentioned them so they are gonna be quite hard to find, plus i prefer the Galaxy rasbora's :p

Got some Galaxy rasboras reserved :D :D :D
Some one ordered them 3 weeks ago and didn't collect them so they're up for sale and I got them, wanted 6 but got 5, still a result :p


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