Team TetraTEC
get a decent picture, im not convinced either way
But you can clearly see the yellow spots and yellow tips on its tail and fins...
get a decent picture, im not convinced either way
the new pic seems to show solid colour on the fin tips, it doesn't look like the first one.
But you can clearly see the yellow spots and yellow tips on its tail and fins...
But you can clearly see the yellow spots and yellow tips on its tail and fins...
sadly we can't 'clearly' see that because the picture is blue.
what phone/camera do you have? I want to look up the instruction manual and solve this once and for all!
It really makes no difference what camera it is, what he has done to make the pic blue or how the OP is trying to claim this is a GN.... the fish he has pictured everytime is a common bristlnose plec... end of im afraid.
Agreed. This is a bristlenose
Smooth !!! I don't think that even now they'll want them though, seeing as they already have one..... derpso how much did op pay for this "gold nugget" i have over 30 available if he wants them!!!