Which Frozen Foods?


Jan 8, 2006
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Hertfordshire, UK

Which out of the following, would you recommend for the frozen part of my fish diet. I have flake, cyclopeze, and will be getting seaweed too. Fish stock will be clowns, goby, dwarf angelfish, royal gramma/wrasse

My LFS stocks the following but I want to just get a couple of types:-

Daphnia Flat, blister Tropical freshwater & coldwater fish
Bloodworm Flat, blister, bulk Tropical freshwater & coldwater fish
Cultured European Bloodworm Blister Tropical freshwater & coldwater fish
Tubifex Blister Tropical freshwater & coldwater fish
White Mosquito Larvae Blister Tropical freshwater & coldwater fish
Mysis Flat, blister, bulk Tropical freshwater, coldwater & marine fish. Invertebrates
Gamma Fish Flat, bulk Tropical freshwater, coldwater & marine fish. Invertebrates
Plankton/Red Plankton Flat, blister, bulk Tropical freshwater, coldwater & marine fish. Invertebrates
Brineshrimp Flat, blister, bulk Tropical freshwater, coldwater & marine fish. Invertebrates
Brineshrimp boosted with Omega+ Blister Tropical freshwater, coldwater & marine fish
Brineshrimp boosted with Spirulina Blister Tropical freshwater, coldwater & marine fish
Whole Cockle Flat Tropical marine fish
Fine Mussel Flat Tropical freshwater, coldwater & marine fish. Invertebrates
Lance Fish Flat, bulk Tropical freshwater, coldwater & marine fish
Whole Mussel Flat Tropical marine fish
Gamma Shrimp Flat, blister, bulk Tropical freshwater, coldwater & marine fish
Krill Flat, bulk Tropical freshwater, coldwater & marine fish
Whole Shrimp
Mysis Flat, blister, bulk Tropical freshwater, coldwater & marine fish. Invertebrates
Gamma Fish Flat, bulk Tropical freshwater, coldwater & marine fish. Invertebrates

Plankton/Red Plankton Flat, blister, bulk Tropical freshwater, coldwater & marine fish. Invertebrates

Brineshrimp boosted with Omega+ Blister Tropical freshwater, coldwater & marine fish

Brineshrimp boosted with Spirulina Blister Tropical freshwater, coldwater & marine fish

Fine Mussel Flat Tropical freshwater, coldwater & marine fish. Invertebrates

Gamma Shrimp Flat, blister, bulk Tropical freshwater, coldwater & marine fish

I have left the items I would feed :good:
I feed a mix of

2 cubes x Mysis
1 cube x Marine Mix
1 cube x Artimia

Washed with RO then spayed with New Era vitamins and soaked in coral food and phytoplankton.

Supplement this with a fix of all the different flake that I can get my hands on and the occasional 1/2 sheet of Nori.

Hope this helps?
Mysis Flat, blister, bulk Tropical freshwater, coldwater & marine fish. Invertebrates
Brineshrimp boosted with Spirulina Blister Tropical freshwater, coldwater & marine fish

Plus as Matt pointed out, youll want an assortment of small jars of flake food and pellets. Keep to the small jars and you can replace them sooner, and vary the brands etc. :nod: Nori is an excellent supplement too! :good:

I also buy live food, and have always got some in the fridge. Brine shrimp and black worms are popular in my tanks! :D

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