I would avoid dwarf gourami period due to the risk of serious health problems this fish frequently carries. Honey Gourami are better, also a bit calmer. I'll come back to the gourami aggression issue.
The CAE/SAE confusion is frequent, and it doesn't end there; there are other fish very similar in appearance to SAE that are problematic too, plus they are not as good with algae. But as for algae, understand that the true SAE will eat brush algae, not some other types, and also this is a largish fish for a 36g tank. It is also a shoaling species so it really is better in a small group. For all this, I would stay away from it since you appear to only be interested in the species as an algae eater (sorry if I've misunderstood).
To the gourami. All male gourami of every species are territorial, similar to male cichlids. The level of territorial protection/aggression varies according to species. In smallish spaces, two males may not get along at all, and one will soon be dead. Females are generally less inclined to this, depending upon species. If you go with the Honey Gourami, you could do a trio of one male and two females. This would not necessarily work with some other species. I have maintained and spawned several species over the years, being most drawn to the small and rarer species (pygmy sparkling, licorice, eyespot, chocolate and false chocolate) but there is no question that even with these the more space they have, and the thicker the floating plants, the better.