Which Fish


New Member
Mar 11, 2006
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hi i have have a secondhand juwel rio 125 tank can with these fish chinese algae eater,male swordfish,buenos aires tetra, glowlight tetra, 2x pearl danios what other fish do you reccommed ? i like tetras & corys going to local aquatic shop on monday how many fish can i add at one time ? thinking of 6 tetras and 3 bronze corys & 3 peppered corys .i check water conditions every week ph 7.6.nitrite 0.0,nitrate 25 ,gh >16d kh 6d, ammonia 0.00 temp 76-78 f thanks for any replies
i would up the numbers of your schools, all tetra species are schooling fish and need company of their own kind, as do danios.

is your algae eater definately chinese not siamese?
i would up the numbers of your schools, all tetra species are schooling fish and need company of their own kind, as do danios.

is your algae eater definately chinese not siamese?
yes is a chinese algae eater
I've heard that once CAE's get older, they start to eat your fish.... you might wanna check that out. And if you find it to be true, get a different species.
chinese algae eaters are peaceful
it's the siamese algae eaters that suck the slimecoats (and eyes) off other fish
Na-ah, it's chinese, although other species have been known to do it. Chinese algae eaters, aka sucking loaches, aka 'algae eater', grows to 8-11", past a certain size they tend to stop eating algae and turn to slime coats and eyeballs.
If you read the bottom of the CAE thread you would see the warning about them being agressive as they get older. And on the SAE's they have nothing of the sort. So yeah.
thanks for info on cae will check out at my local aquatic shop see if they will take in the chinese algae eater any more ideas as what other fish i could get i'm going tomorrow (mon) to aquatic shop thanks
i bought 3 blind cave fish 4 corydoras & 5 cardinals next morning 3 cardinals have gone 2 blind man and 1 corydoras water checks are fine what do you think killed them the cae or the fairly large buenos aires tetra ? please help as i do'nt want to loose any more fish thanks
just found the fish sucked up into my pennplaxx internal filter i had filter sitting on a ornament so could get it higher up in tank so the air venturi was pushing water across top of tank water what i did'nt reliese the filter has got a hole right up the middle so fish must of swam under filter and got sucked up i have still can't fined 1 cory yet though really annoyed with my self losing 5 fish like this i have now put filter down onto gravel so hopefully will not happen again

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