Which Fish Suitable For 60L Dernerle Nano?


New Member
Apr 28, 2013
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Hello, Really like the look of these cubes, but would also like a few tropical fish. Can anyone suggest a suitable stock list for this small 60L cube. Would a betta be ok and if so what could I put with him? 
If you want a betta, make sure you have plenty of plants in there for him to chillax in.
I would suggest a shoal of 6-8 chilli rasboras (Bororas Brigittae), a shoal of 6 Salt & Pepper Corydoras (Corydoras Habrosus) and 3 male endlers (Poecilia Wingei)
Are there any bigger fish that don't need the swimming length?
MattShaw said:
Are there any bigger fish that don't need the swimming length?
Not really. Anything that get much over 6cm will get too big.

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