Which Fish Is Right For Me


Fish Crazy
Jan 7, 2008
Reaction score
Prince edward Island, canada
ok so my tank is starting to fall together and the obvious questions is fish
I'm going with clowns for my first fisha nd was wondering if i should get 1 or 2
and othe fish I was thinking of are a six line (fell in love with the one at the doctors :wub: )
and I love those midas blennies
this is all for a 100 liter and if so are there any other small fsh i could have maby a jawfish or a firefish?
thanks :D
You need two clowns they need to be in pairs. The six line wrasse is a very nice fish...but i do not have one. I really like angel fish. They can be bullies, but they move a lot in a tank.

100 liters = 26 gallons

You could have one clown or a pair, whatever you want. They do not need to be in pairs.
Six lines can get aggressive as they get older, but some stay peaceful.
Midas blennies are great fish, I have one. :)
Firefish and jawfish are great as well. Jawfish are really shy though, and they need at least 4 inches of sand. Firefish are somewhat shy but IME they will get used to the other fish. I would recommend them over the jawfish.

What you want sounds good to me. 1 or 2 clowns, a six line, a midas blenny, and a firefish. :)
hear i come king midas and nemo 1 and nemo 2 lol
my neese and nefus are going to force me to name them nemo but I will name the others some names they wont get :shifty:

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