Which Fish Can You Not Part With?


Mar 23, 2008
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Well, c'mon. Tell us here whick fish you can't part with.

Me, as with my situation of the 100 USG I'm getting and the fact that it'll become a breeding colony of N.Pulcher, I have 4 fish as of now. 1x Albino Giant Danio in the pond, 1x White Goldfish in the pond (actually kinda like this guy), 2x HRP. HRP's will be traded in. Danio and goldfish, I'd probaly use them as food if I had anything to feed them to.

Note: Mark, I know you can't part with Vinny.
I would say my L25 but it was eaten by my bichir a few weeks ago

I had it a couple of years and loved it.... the holy grail of fish for me

I paid £69 for it and a few weeks I advertsied it for sale for one day then had second thoughts. I had about 7 offers and one guy said £150 without seeing it.. I turned them down then sods law it was killed a few days later
My fish that I have raised, my cory fry, and in a coulpe of months my betta fry.

I really hate parting with any of my fish, but parting with them when you've raised them from an egg is the biggest.
gotta be my dwarf Gaurami, he's gonna follow on into a bigger tank soon.
My Mollie :good: She follows my fingure, Eats out my hand... She's Great.. :good:

And my unidentified Plec Though he hides all the time.

He is a ace plec
Had trouble dealing with the loss of my platy a few years ago. Had a 20 long that was becoming overstocked due to guppies and my Cousin took it in. I called his water magical since most of his fish grew to amzing sizes. (ex. A 5 inch platy). It died a month later due to his female betta.
My copper harlequins, i love the way they shoal and just appear to stalk around the tank. Now that i'm saying that they have stopped shoaling lol.
the first fish i got my molly died

Yeah same here too my first 4 fish i put in together were 2 swordtails and 2 mollies. There was a pearl white molly (female) and my beautiful yellow molly (male). It was my yellow male molly that died the day after. He was not just like qany other yellow molly i have seen, he was almost like a yellow lab yellow you see and reminded me of a marine fish.
So upset... :(

I took a picture of him after he died i will try and find and post it on here.
My Julidochromis Dickfeldi. he/she is the the most graceful fish I have had... :wub: :blush:
None of them I've bought new tanks just to be able to keep them, getting ready to upgrade my to 30's to 55's or 75's so my terrors have the tank size they need.
all of them, their all cool.

my barbs are funny to watch

my mollys dont chase each other they swim together like a old couple.

my rafael cat he just owns

my rainbows because the 1 male is always trying to get lucky with any of the 5 females

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