Which First?

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New Member
Sep 18, 2005
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Loudon, Tennessee
OK, as you probaly know I have a 35 gallon hex on the way with 1 clown loac, 1 long-finned tetra, and 1 red-finned albino shark. I am planning on getting 1 Dwarf Gourami, 6 Bronze Cories, 6-8 Harlequin Rasboras, and 6-8 lemon tetras. I am planning on getting rid of all the current fish gradually. Which fish should I add/ get rid of first?
I don't think you should get rid of any of the fish because most pet stores will just toss them once you leave. You should just get more long finned black tetras.
Well, I know of a really respnsible non-chain LFS that I'm 99% sure wouldn't do that. We're really good friends with the manager...lol
Oh then never mind. :*) Then I'd say if you are positive you don't want any of the fish then return them all at once then add a few of the fish you want weekly like for example 3 or 4 one week then the same for the next until you get all the fish you want. Just make sure you let the tank cycle for two weeks at least with no fish in it. Also be sure to get the water tested before you add any fish to it. Then add only a couple of the most hardiest fish you want first and let them help the tank along for about two weeks then get water tested again and start adding fish 3 at a time every week.
probably the clown loach, they like to be in groups of at least four! the same goes for the tetras... why are you getting rid of your fish though??
If you have a responsible store to return them to, you should return all of the current fish. Just the fish you are planning to add will be a fill stock (19 to 23 fish, all about 2" or more). The loach will definitely be too big for you tank and the shark may pick on smaller tank mates. The long finned tetra needs more of it's kind so if you can't get more of those, take that one back.
OK, so rdd, would I have to recycle the tank once i get rid of all the current fish?

K&J, the clown loach will get to big, I don't need a shark with tetras, and I'm not 100% sure that the tetra is a tetra and not an angelfish( looked like one to me)

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