Which filter?


Jun 30, 2004
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I currently use the filter which is in the Rio 125 (litres) but when i have to move the tank in a couple of months time i really want to add an extra filter onto the tank or replace the current one because at the moment i cant do it because the cabinet is too close to the wall.

Im looking at Eheim externals.

Firstly there is the 2224 proffesional cannister.
Eheim 2224

I was thinking of running this combined with the juwel filter or would i just need the Eheim?


The Eheim 2226 proffesional cannister.
eheim 2226

Which i would run by its self and removing the Juwel filter, which reminds me, if anyone knows how to take out a juwel filter please let me know.

Or would i better going for a fluval 404 which probably cheaper and turns over more L/H?

Any help would be very much appreciated
Hi Nitro, I have the 2224 in my 190L tank on its own, I find it does a great job with no need for a secondry filter, I also have a 2026 in my 115 Gal tank with an XP3. I would go for the 2026 instead of the 2226 mainly for the intergrated priming system the Pro II fiter offers if you are planning a heavily stocked tank, if not the 2224 will do you just fine. HTH.
Cheers FB that helped alot :)

Looks like i will go for 2224 or possibly the 2226 if its not that much more :thumbs:
Oh and another question.

What filter media should i put into the 2224/6 because i dont have a clue and how much will it roughly cost?
For the 2224 you'll need 1 Litre of Ehfi Mech and 1 Litre of Ehfi substrat. You'll need a bit more for the 2226.

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