Which Filter Pads For Cycling?


Fish Fanatic
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
Dorset, UK
Im 3 weeks into cycling my 22G tank now, but im worried that my filter isnt working as effectively as it could be. The filter is a Fluval 2+.

For the last 3 weeks ive been running the filter with the 2 large foam blocks, and the really fine white pad. Ive noticed that not much is getting sucked into the filter, so have taken the fine filter pad out.

Is this right? is it best to cycle the tank with just the 2 large foam pads to build up the bacteria, then put the fine one in when the fish arrive? or just run the filter permanently with the 2 large ones.

erm, does that make sense? Heh.
I have a Fluval 3+, which is the same as yours, just a bit bigger. I cycled with just the two, large coarse filters in, and left the fine filter until later. The fine filter will reduce flow (the flow indicator will drop, showing the blue indication), as it blocks up, so you are right to do what you did. Just carry on without it for now, and put it in when the tank is cycled, if you want to give the water an extra scrub!

You certainly dont need it to cycle!
Hmm you say that not much water is being drawn into the flter... And that's on an empty tank with a clean filter!!

What's going to happen when you get fish (and possibly plants) and the filter gets dirty?
Hmm you say that not much water is being drawn into the flter... And that's on an empty tank with a clean filter!!

What's going to happen when you get fish (and possibly plants) and the filter gets dirty?

good point sounds odd, was the white filter quit clean when you took it out? just thinking if the filter has been on since you sorted the tank, some of the debris from startup may be clogging the fine filter. my filter wool lasts two weeks max, and has quit an effect on water flow.
Hmm you say that not much water is being drawn into the flter... And that's on an empty tank with a clean filter!!

What's going to happen when you get fish (and possibly plants) and the filter gets dirty?

good point sounds odd, was the white filter quit clean when you took it out? just thinking if the filter has been on since you sorted the tank, some of the debris from startup may be clogging the fine filter. my filter wool lasts two weeks max, and has quit an effect on water flow.

yeah the fine wool was filthy from my tank decor... plus it was orange from the dye off my wood in the tank. It had probably just clogged up. The flow is fine now ive taken it out.
@fUbAr id still be inclined to put it back, just, change/clean it every week or so, this bit takes the 'fine' particals out of the tank. working on the asumption that, any thing big enough to be caught by thre filter, shouldnt be in the tank!!!

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