Which External Filter Is Better

I swear by the ehiem 2080 and 2180 filters maintenance is easy massive bio filtration capacity and very reliable,
In regards to the clown loaches, being a 'scaleless' fish they are far more prone to whitespot than any other fish so are normally the fist fish to catch it. I have around 20 5-11 inch clown loaches and have noticed that stress seems to bring on the whitespot combined with poor water quality. Waste can build up in the or ornaments where you have no circulation I would recommend replacing them with clay or PVC piping, less chance of them getting wedged in as well
Just remember to only use half doses when treating them for White spot or use salt and raise the temperature

Ive been looking at filters!!!

ive seen one by eheim which i think looks good, and its on offer


What are your thoughts, i am seriously thinking of it. !!

Thanks again


The welcome coupon goes up to 10% so that makes it around £180 without media. Great price.
I have had mine for around 4 months.
Not done any cleaning on it yet but its solid and adjusting the flow is fantastic, especially during feeding.
Even at max flow its quiet.
I am running an Eheim Ecco Pro 300 on my tank and it is simply fantastic. Virtually silent, in fact I can only hear it if I have the cabinet doors open. Crystal clear water due to prefilter, mech, biomech and bio filtration baskets and a fine filter pad. Self priming and running at 700lph and only using 8 watts of power, compared to the 25 watts of the Aquamanta filters, so easier on the back pocket as you have it running 24/7. I cannot rate this filter highly enough, it really was the best choice I made after deciding to take up this hobby.
Just upgraded my XP1 to a XP3. Everything works great and these Filstar's are darn reliable! Running both eheim 2028 and a XP3 side by side, and the xp3 is a little noisier but not by much. :/
I have to "big up" eheim filters as i run a ecco pro 300 my 180l tank is crystal clear and oh so quiet.
And to top it of only paid £20 second hand a real deal. :good:
Hey all

Ok so i have now purchased thie Eheim proffesional 2078 filter with the free usb ect ect, so im waiting for this to be delivered shortly!!

is it normal for the spray bar holes to get clogged up or is that just due to my filter being s***?? ( im presuming that nothing should be able to get throught the filter media?) im also having lots of algea issues and my plants are basically ruined again and i dont want to use chemicals as i dont think my clown loaches would cope with it (already had whitespot treatment). and im doing water changes weekly about 25%. Any help or info would be greatly appreciated!!!

Damien :crazy:
A spray bar should only plug very slowly. Since it is on the "clean" end of your filter, it should be dealing with little more than water. I have some tanks that are really good at growing algae, I never said I was a plant guy, and in those tanks even the return water flow path tends to get some string algae but it never plugs with things that got through my filter.
Hey all,

Since my last post i have now upgraded my tank to 450l,
Dealt woth my algea issues, got new filter and just waiting on new lightng units.

I have uploaded some pictures!!

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