Which Do You Prefer Sand Or Gravel?

Which do you prefer Sand Or Gravel?

  • I prefer gravel

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  • I prefer sand

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  • I like both

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  • Not bothered

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...and with gravel I can actually get the bottom of the tank under the gravel clean as with sand there was no way with out vaccuming 1/2 of it out...
Why would you need to get to the bottom of the tank with sand? All the crap stays on top rather than sinking in, which is why it's so much easier to clean in my opinion. No digging around in it to make sure you've gotten everything.
...and with gravel I can actually get the bottom of the tank under the gravel clean as with sand there was no way with out vaccuming 1/2 of it out...
Why would you need to get to the bottom of the tank with sand? All the crap stays on top rather than sinking in, which is why it's so much easier to clean in my opinion. No digging around in it to make sure you've gotten everything.
Its been my experience that after a couple of years in a large tank the bottom of the sand turns black and smells like sewer! Believe it or not sediment will sift through the sand over time to the bottom. Now I havent used sand in over 15 years and the filtration is much better now a days so it may not be that way now but it sure was 20 years ago. :)
Most of my tanks have no substrate. I voted gravel because the few that have substrate are gravel. I don't need sand tearing up filter components, I have enough projects to keep me busy besides rebuilding filters.

Its been my experience that after a couple of years in a large tank the bottom of the sand turns black and smells like sewer! Believe it or not sediment will sift through the sand over time to the bottom. Now I havent used sand in over 15 years and the filtration is much better now a days so it may not be that way now but it sure was 20 years ago. :)
That's why you're supposed to stir your sand on occasion! That's the work of anaerobic bacteria; the sand becomes compacted and oxygen cannot reach the bottom layers for aerobic respiration to take place. I can see why you'd prefer gravel if you don't like the idea of having to stir sand, but personally I'd much rather stir sand once a month than have to vaccuum gravel. That's a royal pain in the arse :X
Its been my experience that after a couple of years in a large tank the bottom of the sand turns black and smells like sewer! Believe it or not sediment will sift through the sand over time to the bottom. Now I havent used sand in over 15 years and the filtration is much better now a days so it may not be that way now but it sure was 20 years ago. :)
That's why you're supposed to stir your sand on occasion! That's the work of anaerobic bacteria; the sand becomes compacted and oxygen cannot reach the bottom layers for aerobic respiration to take place. I can see why you'd prefer gravel if you don't like the idea of having to stir sand, but personally I'd much rather stir sand once a month than have to vaccuum gravel. That's a royal pain in the arse :X
I will have to give you that one. I never knew you were supposed to stir the sand monthly, so in all actuallity one is about as bad as the other in my opinion. I will admit I love the look of sand in a tank and now that I know your supposed to stir it I may try it again on one tank. Going with out any substrate would be ideal but Im not sure Id like the looks of it. :/ Jimmy
I've got gravel in all my tanks right now, but it does get too muchy dirt trapped in it for my liking.

I've decided to replace my apisto tank's gravel with sand, pretty much because I hope it will be way easier to clean

oh btw what do people mean by "dark spots" in thier sand or compacting?
I've used both and much prefer sand.

The Cories love it and it is easier to maintain than gravel IMO! I actually have a mixture of both in the main tank but as soon as I have the time, the gravel is coming out and I'm going to use sand exculsively! I agree that play sand is better than any other and cheaper. I noticed a bag of sand in my LFS the other day for £12.50 with just enough to cover the bottom of our tank - whilst the bag of play sand I bought was £1.99 and I still have as much left as I've used - no comparison.

The thing I love with sand is that you can suck up all the crap and the sand comes with it into the bucket. Then at the end of the cleaning, I simply pour the sand back in!

And I sincerely believe that the plants prefer the sand, as it is easier for the roots to grow.

Sand for ever I say!

:D B) :hyper: :fun: :p :X

PS and it allows my fishies to build sand castles - something you don't get with gravel! :lol: :crazy: :band:
Is there a "sand quide" somewhere?

ie the pros and cons of different types.
I like sand better personally, but gravel is alright too. My fish generally just prefer to poke around in the sand more.
I like sand more. It's easier to deal with. Gravel is a pain to clean. And atleast with sand I can just take the net and get all the poo off the top of it.
oh btw what do people mean by "dark spots" in thier sand or compacting?
If your sand bed doesn't get stirred around every so often (either by you or critters in your tank,) areas of it can become compacted and oxygen cannot reach them. In this situation, anaerobic bacteria that don't need oxygen to survive grow in the sand bed. The hydrogen sulfide gas they produce is what gives the sand bed its bad odor, and the sand also gets stained a dark colour, though chemistry isn't my cup of tea so I can't tell you exactly why that is :p

Twobeards -- If you ever get bold enough to try sand again, I'd recommend getting some trumpet snails! They burrow in the sand and help keep it stirred up for you. Once you get them they'll probably reproduce like mad and you'll never be able to get rid of them, but since most of them stay burried during the day (they're nocturnal) I don't think they're too much of an eyesore. Once you have a mob of them, they'll clean up any food the fish missed in a jiffy, too!
I personally like both, but I think I like a course gravel over sand ;)
Twobeards -- If you ever get bold enough to try sand again, I'd recommend getting some trumpet snails! They burrow in the sand and help keep it stirred up for you. Once you get them they'll probably reproduce like mad and you'll never be able to get rid of them, but since most of them stay burried during the day (they're nocturnal) I don't think they're too much of an eyesore. Once you have a mob of them, they'll clean up any food the fish missed in a jiffy, too!

Thanks Synirr
I never knew about the snails and I like the way sand looks so I guess my next tank will get sand after all. Again Thank you :thumbs:
Oh alrighty then, definatly going to use sand, I always end up poking around my tank anyway, probably do it more then my cories ^^
well i have a bettas and corys so sands best all round for my guys!
Love sand it looks sooo nice and i have a mate who has bought some and he has planty eft so hes sending it my way for all my tanks!
but anything beats the BRIGHT pink stones i have!!

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