Which Do You Prefer: Real Or Fake Plants

Mako Man111

Jun 11, 2006
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I'm in a bit of a dilema..

I really like the looks of my planted 20 gallon tank, its a high tech set up with about 3wpg, nutrafin co2, seachem ferts and root tabs, but keeping the tank looking in tip top shape takes some work.

I'm considering going back to fake plants ( :X ) but, besides the looks, do the fish really care whether the plants are real. I need convincing either way from people who are on both sides of the fence.

So really, which do you prefer?
I prefer live plants but am going to be using a few simple plants only in my next tank, salvinia, java ferns, amazon swords and water sprite.

Some plastic plants are sharp and pointed and can hurt fish. Silk plants however are good, though I will still prefer live plants.
I would say live plants too. They are way nicer and more natural. I wouldn't know for sure but im guessing fish would like them better aswell. It really comes down to whats more convenient for you ( as shelfish as it sounds :p )

I would say live plants too. They are way nicer and more natural. I wouldn't know for sure but im guessing fish would like them better aswell. It really comes down to whats more convenient for you ( as shelfish as it sounds :p )


I really just can't make up my mind and keep going back and forth back and forth lol. See, when I had fake plants I also had some fake ornaments and and bubble things. I'm thinking of doing a hybrid. Maby keeping my driftwood and real rocks and but then creating a natural looking environment with fake plants.
I like fake... no hassle! Even though I think live plants are cooler and look better...
Live plants are definitely better looking, and better for fish..

I hate using plastic plants, but with my cichlids I have no choice.
I had artificial plants until I upgraded my tank recently. Now I have all natural plants and am extremely pleased with how they look and how easy they are to care for.
Live plants all the way. But fake would definitely be a lot less work. =P But real just look so much better, and fish seem to really like them.
I have a mixture. I prefer the look of the live plants but it is more work looking after them. The mixture works quite well - I only have a few small fake plants - my big ones are real.

My fish play with the fake ones - even though I weight them down properly in the gravel I often find that Plec has shoved one into the middle of the tank!! The live ones they play in rather than with, which is nice.
my tank has an under gravel filter and from what iv read there a no no if you want to keep real plants, are silk plants as near natural as there made out to be ??? iv just got my first tank and wondering what to put in it , iv got 1 plastic plant at the moment which looks ok but was thinking about getting some silk plants.. i will eventually get some real plants once i upgrade my tank though :D (only 30l at the moment)

I just got live plants and the fish seem to really have noticed the difference starting the 1st day, as someone above said they play IN not WITH the plants, my tank is very new and I have done everything ass backwords but slowly I am learning that even though they might be more work it's worth it.

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