Fish Gatherer
5 normal C sterbai
5 albino C.sterbai
12 C.trilineatus
5 normal C.paleatus
5 albino C.paleatus
6 C.panda
3 C.napoensis
8 C.venezuelas.
Gave away all my C.aeneus (normal and albino) and lost several individuals (C.concolor grrrr ) in the period before my divorce this year. Back to 4 Corytanks instead of the 8 Corytanks I had earlier. Spare tanks stored.
5 albino C.sterbai
12 C.trilineatus
5 normal C.paleatus
5 albino C.paleatus
6 C.panda
3 C.napoensis
8 C.venezuelas.
Gave away all my C.aeneus (normal and albino) and lost several individuals (C.concolor grrrr ) in the period before my divorce this year. Back to 4 Corytanks instead of the 8 Corytanks I had earlier. Spare tanks stored.