Fish Connoisseur
Pandas, San Juans, melini, arcuatus in 20 usg. Melanotaenia, Brochis splendens, long fin albino peppers in 20 usg with a shoal of harlequin and pork chop Rasaboras. Bronze aeneus, Pulcher variant #3, Virginiea/Sangamas, leucomelas, armatus in 40 usg. Peppered cories in 100 usg planted community tank.
All but the C. melanotaenia and the armatus are in groups of five or more of the same species. Those two species had some problems thriving when first arriving. Oh, yeah, 1 Pulcher variant #3 went AWOL during a major water change to shift tank locations. He escaped to the planted community tank through the hose and has not been yet recaptured to be returned to his family.
All but the C. melanotaenia and the armatus are in groups of five or more of the same species. Those two species had some problems thriving when first arriving. Oh, yeah, 1 Pulcher variant #3 went AWOL during a major water change to shift tank locations. He escaped to the planted community tank through the hose and has not been yet recaptured to be returned to his family.