Which Corys Do You Have?

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An update on my cory collection.
I now have 3 julii. My son bought them for me yesterday. As soon as they were released into the tank they started to hang out with the pandas.
I just bought my first ever cory's....

Odd really. at first i was just buying them to keep the sand clean (which they do really well), but now they are one of my favourites, you can watch them for ages.. ;)

i have six of the panda ones.. like this little chap below..




Can you tell me do corys have to have sandy bottom tanks, I have just set up a tank and soon will be adding fish, We saw these little panda's in our local fish shop my daughter loved them.
ok i have some emrald corys or at leat thats what i was sold but its like more bronz then green
Already posted this pic in the photos section of the forum but here it is for you guys,

My faves are Pandas and in my new 190l set up i plan to house around 10 of the little beauts!

Heres my old fave :)
i've 6 julii cory's, so chuffed with them, got 2 the other week and they hardly did anything, bought the shoal up to 6 yesterday and I've spent all day watching them playing :D they're soooo cool 8)
I have 3 x Bronze Corydoras aeneus, 3 x Corydoras aeneus albino, 6 x Corydoras pygmaeus & 4 x Corydoras habrosus

Here's my bronzes & Albinos will add photos of the when i have some



Beautiful cory shots everyone! I have albino, bronze and orange laser. Although the oranges are gorgeous, they are much shyer than the others, and I would have to say my albino is my favorite...very active in the tank.

CluelessScott...how do you like the shark filter I see in your pic? When I was looking for an internal filter unit only found fluval series (ended up with fluval2 plus) and the shark, but noone in the stores seemed to know anything about the sharks. What size do you have, what size tank is it in, and how would you rate it for ease of cleaning, filtration etc? Just some info I would like to have if I am ever in the market for another internal filter.

should all bronze ( excluding albino of course ) cories have black ridges along the frontal part of their sides? is it normal? mine does and until now i thought it was some form of disease but i see it on the bronze cory pictures posted here
I have:

1 bronze (called Shrek)
1 albino (called Haim, which swims round with the bronze)
3 metaes
1 peppered (called NationStreet, who thinks he's a metae)
2 trilineatas
and 1 unknown whojeewotsit (piccie below) looks like a Schwartzi but there's so many types who do...was one of an established pair, but the other passed away last week :(

Now they're all in a 6ft tank I'm wanting some more, probably concolors (gorgeeeeous) and arcuatus. Wont be getting pandas again as bought three recently and all died within 24 hours (params fine). Hubby was told they were dwarf ones, but they must have just been tiny babies. :/

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