Which cory


New Member
Dec 2, 2004
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I would like to get a cory for my 3ft community tank, which should I get? I would like one that is active and gets on with my barbs and plecs.

Can you suggest what I should get?

The bronze, albino and peppered cories are all very active. I also like trilineatus/julii cories cos they're pretty and always seem really giddy at the lfs.....sadly I no longer recommend pandas, althoguh they are pretty, because I've heard too many reports of them dying for no reason. :(
IMO any cory is attractive and active and will get along with your fish. However, my personal favourites are the blackfin? cories (corydoras leukomelas) and bronze cories. Pygmy/dwarf cories are also nice but, preffering the middle layers and being small may not be ideal in your set-up. If you are looking for hardy cories, go for bronze. The albino variety is great too but I absolutely love the contrasting colors on the ordinary bronze - orange-brown, black and white with irredescent sparkling green - stunning :). The leukomelas cories are just as beautiful with black and white markings and gold behind their gills. Both these species also have incredible characters. IME the bronze are more active on the bottom layers and will only venture upwards when playing in the current. Leukomelas cories play less in the current and more in the plants - enjoying the occasional climb and often resting on leaves with their black and white looking very beautiful against the green.
I second the Sterbai. It's the only type of cory I have so it's the only type I can recommend :rolleyes: but they are very active and colorful!
If I had somewhere to put some new corys, I would be torn between sterbai and aldolfoi. Get at least 5.

reticulatus are nice too
I like the concolors and the greens. I think that panda's are the absolute worst cory ever.
not all pandas are bad i have 2 pandas and 2 trilines and they are and have been happy and healthy. i guess area and source are part of it but if someone has a good LFS than i think that pandas are adorable and very interesting. :wub: but they tend to be a little small.
C. paleatus (peppered), C. aeneus (bronze), are very good, if you want something a bit different try C. rabauti, the 'Rusty' Cory. These are really active and have nice colouration, brown/tan with an C. arcuatus (skunk) like stripe from head to the tail, there is a gold/red square above the neck. Expect to pay a lot though! I got six for £48! :eek: Well worth it. :D
Zombies said:
Panda's dyeing for no reason? :unsure: I hope mine will live long, I love them so much.
It's worrying isn't it? Most of the pandas I've ever boguht (from different shops at different tiems) have died, and my friend's panda died the other day - it was fine in the morning but in the evening it was jsut sitting dead without a mark on it. :dunno: nd her water params were perfect. a similar thing happened to another member of this forum. i hope yours have better luck though...but if they don't...it's probably not your fault.
mine did die for no reason. I have freakin Neon tetra's in there and there fine. My water levels are all perfect. One got Swim Bladder and ended up impaling himself on my raphaels tail and then the other one also died. They both got fin rot and they were never around. CONCOLOR they are great looking and about normal for everything else.

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