Which Cory Should I Get?


Fish Crazy
Jan 8, 2008
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Hi, I have a ten gallon with a baby pleco, and 4 zebra danios. I want a small shoal (3) of corys but i dont know which ones i would like the best! I want one thats active, friendly, and entertaining.

Please provide pictures as well.
What's the measurements of the tank? Corys need a nice amount of floor space.

Also what substrate are you using?
C. sterbai are very active. Should be kept at above 75 F.

C. aeneus/bronze and C. paleatus/peppers are also good beginners Corys, easy to find, easy to breed. They should be kept at 75 F. and below.

All 3 of these species can be found as an albino variation.

The best way to decide is to see what your local lfs/lps has to offer. If at all possible get a group of at least 5. They are more active in larger groups.
I have gravel, and my water temp is at 77*
Why do you want Corys?

because i love the way they look, I like it that they are bottom feeders, scince my tank is mostly top feeders, and i like the way there not egg scaterers.

they are really cool.
Not many Corys like water that warm. They are mostly a river fish. Sterbi Corys do like a warm tank and often can be bought in an lfs. They are an active fish that swims around a lot.

But sand can cause Corys trouble. You must keep the gravel vacumed regilaely and clean. It is really no good if the gravel is jagged. The Corys may even bruise their noses trying to move the gravel around to look for food. Their natural environment is sand and silt.
ok, i will turn the temp around 75*F and is there anything i can do to the gravel, short of buying sand?
As long as your gravel is pretty smooth and you clean it once a week, your cories should be okay. I would just go to your LFS and find the ones that you like the most as far as how they look. Most cories in fish stores are cared for the same way, just different looking. I think it would be really cute to have a school of like 7-9 small cory species, like habrosus or pygmy. You could go for a group of 5 larger ones, like pandas or sterbai.
As long as your gravel is pretty smooth and you clean it once a week, your cories should be okay. I would just go to your LFS and find the ones that you like the most as far as how they look. Most cories in fish stores are cared for the same way, just different looking. I think it would be really cute to have a school of like 7-9 small cory species, like habrosus or pygmy. You could go for a group of 5 larger ones, like pandas or sterbai.

Ok, thanks Chibi :) i will do that. My gravel is not too big but not VERY small eather and might be a little sharp. But i am not sure!
77 F is fine for sterbai, but most others would be a bit stressed by that. ICEEGRL suggested a way to test your gravel. I though it was kinda brilliant. Rub a handful of gravel between your hands if it is sharp feeling on your hands then it is not suitable.

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