Which Cory For Me?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 13, 2012
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Which Cory is best for me?

4 foot tank, currently home to 1 x Firemouth, 1 x RTB, 1 x Pair Bristlenose Plecos.

Hoping to add 8 x Columbian Tetra and 6/8 Corys?

Are any more suitable than others?

Substrate is sand.


You want the tougher ones, so bronze cories are your best bet, as I have a friend with some and his RBT, and you won't believe how many times I have seen the RBT chase off other fish from his little territory, then it happily let's the cories in his little castle
like fishyfriend 2 said, you wanna go with the stouter ones, or maybe some portholes. be sure to provide some hiding or getaway places for them, to get away from the firemouth and whatever an rbt is.
Ok thanks. RTB is red tail black shark.

I've read that alot of Cory prefer lower end temps?

My tank is 26c, which ones are good at higher temp?
I'd go with either a Brochis splendens group, or with a group from one of the genus commonly referred to as Hoplos or Portholes, probably the latter. Why? Their ~12cm will be a better match for a ~15cm RTBS; they are built like tanks; they are far more boisterous than typical corydoras and will soak up most aggression; quite a few of tham enjoy schooling midwater if you add a group of ~8.

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