My Pandas are super active. And I think the reason they are active because they are kept in thre closer to the natural habitat than how most people keep them. I strongly believe that they do much better with cooler water than typical community tank. And they really enjoy the water current, they love to swim against the current as well as let the current wash them away. After all, that is like where their ancestors hail from.
I was keeping my Pandas in their own tank with power head and no heater. And they are so happy they expand to such a big family that I need another tank.
So if anyone considering getting Pandas, please keep them in cool water with lots of water movement. Their own tank would be nice, doesn't have to be big. I keep my 4 adult and 40~50 frys in 5G although there is 550 gph power head with sponge intake running. And they are big happy family and they still try to make it bigger every week. I would move them to bigger tank once their youngs become little bigger.
Anyway, I thought those little tip would help to keep them happier.