Which Cory Do You Like Best?


New Member
Feb 9, 2007
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I'm thinking of getting a school of cories for my 58 gallon tank. I want an attractive variety, preferably not one of the biggest ones.

Your thoughts?
Albino corys are so much fun they zip around the tank all day long IME.

They do get to 3" though but they would be fine in your tank size, what else is in there?
My Pandas are super active. And I think the reason they are active because they are kept in thre closer to the natural habitat than how most people keep them. I strongly believe that they do much better with cooler water than typical community tank. And they really enjoy the water current, they love to swim against the current as well as let the current wash them away. After all, that is like where their ancestors hail from.
I was keeping my Pandas in their own tank with power head and no heater. And they are so happy they expand to such a big family that I need another tank.
So if anyone considering getting Pandas, please keep them in cool water with lots of water movement. Their own tank would be nice, doesn't have to be big. I keep my 4 adult and 40~50 frys in 5G although there is 550 gph power head with sponge intake running. And they are big happy family and they still try to make it bigger every week. I would move them to bigger tank once their youngs become little bigger.
Anyway, I thought those little tip would help to keep them happier.
it also depends where you're located. i want pandas but i cant find ANY anywhere around me.

i'm actually quite fond of my matae cories. they're similar to pandas (they have the black on them) and they're so funny to watch. i have a pic of them in my sig.
My Pandas are super active. And I think the reason they are active because they are kept in thre closer to the natural habitat than how most people keep them. I strongly believe that they do much better with cooler water than typical community tank. And they really enjoy the water current, they love to swim against the current as well as let the current wash them away. After all, that is like where their ancestors hail from.
I was keeping my Pandas in their own tank with power head and no heater. And they are so happy they expand to such a big family that I need another tank.
So if anyone considering getting Pandas, please keep them in cool water with lots of water movement. Their own tank would be nice, doesn't have to be big. I keep my 4 adult and 40~50 frys in 5G although there is 550 gph power head with sponge intake running. And they are big happy family and they still try to make it bigger every week. I would move them to bigger tank once their youngs become little bigger.
Anyway, I thought those little tip would help to keep them happier.
What temp are your pandas kept at? My pandas are in tropical community right now, but I'm seriously considering putting them in their own tank, and I want to make it perfect for them :)
I agree that pandas are the cutest ones...I'm also considering getting some albinos.
What temp are your pandas kept at? My pandas are in tropical community right now, but I'm seriously considering putting them in their own tank, and I want to make it perfect for them :)
I agree that pandas are the cutest ones...I'm also considering getting some albinos.

I keep them without heater. So basically room temperature but have light bulbs not florecent bulbs so I imagine heat up the water a little when the light is on. And cool down a little after the lights out. All of that, the tank is hover around low 70'sF and sometime high 60's. Around 68~72F. I also do water change with cooler water.
Like I mentioned, they would be great on their own tank and don't need much big tank as long as you can have good high oxygenated water.
Although I am considering put the newly acquired Hillstream loach with them for the second tank I am about to set. Sincce I believe their requirement(cool water with current) is similar. I could get some White clouds for tankmate also.
Anyway, you would enjoy watch them really swim when you give them their tank with nice water movement. And they will give you eggs often when you give them cool fresh water and lots of food. It won't be high number of eggs but they are one of the small skinier corys. After all they are a big swimmer. :good:
Pandas are nice but not very hardy.

I love my albino aeneus. Very active, very hardy and very pretty. Always out and about ;)

My next favourite are my sterbai. Big fat lazy gits who like to sit at the front of the tank in a row, and watch telly. The only smaller ones I have are metaes, they're active enough but we hardly ever see those as they prefer staying at the back of the 6ft heavily planted tank. :rolleyes:
I got my 6 albinos a few days ago and adore them! They zip around the tank at top speed like tadpoles!!!

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