Which Cories?


Fish Crazy
Oct 17, 2006
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales.
I've never kept cories before and am looking forward to stocking some in my new tank. I've just acquired a four footer which is very mature, but added a load of bogwood in the hope of bringing the PH down to 6.5 ish, its currently at 7.8 but has only been setup since Sunday. If the bogwood doesn't do it, I'll add peat to the filter.
Stocking list will be neons and ember tetras approx 25ish in all, a pair of Rams, not sure whether Bolivian or Germans yet, possibly a couple of guppys or other small livebearers and a couple of whiptail cats.
But which cories? I love the look of sterbai, quite like the pygmy's too, any particular species that would be most suited to my tank? Any particularly interesting behaviour to look out for? etc?
If you can get them breeding then the rarer the better.

I have 7 bronze corys atm and they don't sit still...

but they do like to have a bit of a dig at night, so make sure if you have any plants, that they are planted deep!

You never mentioned it but make sure you have Sand for them =]
I have bronze corys, they are a bit larger than the other kinds which I like. I also have sand and plants, and while the cories do root around in the substrate especially overnight (in the morning everything is dimpled!!) my plants stay put. If you are keeping plants just make sure they are plants with a good root system, I have amazon swords, crypts, java fern and lace fern and all of these anchor themselves really solidly into the substrate.
You never mentioned it but make sure you have Sand for them =]
I have the Carribsea ecocomplete substrate which I have been assured is ok for them, it's not as fine as sand, more like a very fine gravel.

what temperature is the tank at?
Currently at 25 deg, but as its a new set up, I'm quite happy to change that to suit, but I will be getting a pair of german rams.

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