Which Cories


Fish Fanatic
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Hello everyone,

I'm currently stocking my 20 gallon and only have two bolivian rams so far. I was thinking of putting in 6 cories with them (I was thinking panda's), but I have heard that panda's aren't very hardy. I'm fairly new to fish keeping and I don't want to kill any fish, so what type of cories would you suggest I put in my tank?


The bronze cory is said to be the hardiest, but is also one of the biggest growing to 3.5 inches in some cases. Corys generally have the same requirements, just see what your local fish place has available and pick your favourite, i have a mix of quite a few varieties but you are best getting 6 the same or 3 each of 2 varieties. I have had problems in the past with pandas but bought 3 more last week and they seem good so far. My favourite is the sterbai cory, but they are usually a bit more expensive. If you wanted to get more than 6 corys you could get one of the dwarf varieties (habrosus, hastatus or pygmeous) as these grow under an inch and half. My favourite out of these 3 is habrosus as they are more cory like sticking to the bottom, where the other 2 tend to hover mid water a lot.

You can scratch all overly bread varietes, such as albinos and veiltails off. Peppered corydoras are hardy and stay a bit smaller than bronzes. Altough imo pandas are hardy also, as there isn't anything funny in your water stats.
Go with bronze or albino corys.

I have peppered corys and they aint to bad either :) really interesting fish

Hi trevo878 :)

I always recommend bronze or albino C. aeneus corys to anyone just starting out with them. They are what I consider to be, "basic corys." They are active and easy to care for. Additionally, if at some point, you want to try your hand at breeding an egg laying fish, they are good ones to start out with.

I agree on the Bronze C. aeneus. Very active when they are kept in a school. Ive heard one cory species wont school with another cory species, but Ive found that the Bronze C. aeneus will school with all cories, at least mine do. Great fish :thumbs:

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