Which Cories would you suggest?


Fish Crazy
Sep 24, 2004
Reaction score
Rocky Mount, NC USA
I have been slowly stocking my 55 gallon tank. I now have two pair of Blue Gouramis, a trio of Swordtails and a trio of Red Platys. I figure fully grown that will be approximately 37 inches of fish.

Now to my actual question. I love cories and want to add a school of them. Which particular type is your suggestion? I know they vary in size from a little over an inch to around three. Is 6 enough or should I get 8? I will most likely want to add one more type of fish after them as well.

All corys are great! It's up to personal choice I rekon, my favourite are sterbai and adolfoi, but go have a look at what your LFS has to offer!
They will be happy in a group of 6-8, im not sure of gallons as I only know litres being an aussie :p
Missclaire we like the exact same cories, i was just about to mention those exact two but you beat me to it. :p But i do have to add that i would not add adolfoi to that large of tank b/c they stay very petite and a 55g tank might be too much pressure on them when they're at the bottom and could stress them out.
Another cory i like is pepper cories. When they get really healthy they develope beautiful emerald green colouring and they're easily available. As for a number, in my 55gallon tank i have 7 cories still with room to spare but since i have a large pleco i dont want to over stock my tank with bottom dwellers. You could definitely fit 8 cories though imo. :)
Good luck.
I think 4 and 4 of a diff. species would look nice ... Maybe aeunus but they are very hyper lol I like the skunks personally :)
Hi gwlee7 :)

Most corys that you find at your lfs will do well with your fish, and you will really enjoy watching a large school of corys at the bottom.

C. Paleatus (peppered cory) and C. aeneus (either bronze or albino) are fine little fish that will breed readily, if you think you might want to try raising some egg laying fish. If not, C. Juliis, and C. trilineatus are other corys that are very attractive and usually easy to find.

If you were to get two schools of two different kinds (4+4) they will get along well and will usually school together as long as their adult size is similar. For this reason, I would not recommend C. pandas since they are a little smaller and somewhat delicate.

C. sterbai and C. adolfoi are beautiful corys, but need a temperature that is a little warmer than many people keep their tanks.

Please let me know which ones you decide on. :D
I am definately going to get either the "pepper" (paleatus) or the "bronze" (aeneus) cories since from my research they are the easiest to keep. The LFS has a bunch of baby peppers right now and they are already hard at work there eventhough they are just around an inch long.

Some of what I have read re: cories has suggested not splitting them up (e.g. 4 + 4) but keeping at least 6 of one species. I plan on getting at least 6 but most likley 8.

I appreciate everyone's input so far. :cool:
Hi gwlee7 :)

You will enjoy the Peppered corys if you get them. :nod: They are active and good sturdy fish who are able to adapt to a wide range of temperatures and conditions. Did you know that they were first found by Charles Darwin?

If you like the albino C. aeneus, don't hesitate to get them. They are the exact same fish as the bronze, just a different color. :D
Look at the julli, i have some and they are very good scavengers, look good and are very social, sometimes they like to think they are danios and scool with them.


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