Which Barb For 125 Litre Tank?


Fish Crazy
Oct 13, 2007
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Dundee, Scotland
I have a juwel rio 125 l tank with 15 blood fin tetras and looking to get some small barbs. I am interested in either pentzona barb, snakeskin barb or African barbs. Anyone kept any of these before? Any help appreciated. P.s I had black ruby before and they were very boisterous and the bloodfins were a bit scared of them.
I have a juwel rio 125 l tank with 15 blood fin tetras and looking to get some small barbs. I am interested in either pentzona barb, snakeskin barb or African barbs. Anyone kept any of these before? Any help appreciated. P.s I had black ruby before and they were very boisterous and the bloodfins were a bit scared of them.
I have only kept Black Ruby Barbs. I can understand why you would call them boisterous as well, as they manage to stick up for themselves against my JD and Jewel! Have you looked at Cherry Barbs?
Hi, I LOVE the first two you mentioned, if you are meaning Puntius Demasoni and Puntius Rhomboocellatus
Bit hard to get hold of down my way, and I am told the Pentazonas can be a bit finnicky and prone to whitespot when first received. Lovely all the same though.

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