which algae eater?


New Member
Feb 6, 2004
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I am looking to buy an algae eater.... I have 3 cory cats in a community tank. My LFS keeps trying to get me to buy a chinese algae eater. From what I have read I don't want that. Then they push the common pleco...which I know gets big. So is an oto a better choice? I have a mystery snail and a couple shrimp..should I just not buy an algae eater? I have visible signs of green algae, I am so confused :blink: I have a 60 gallon tank. Any help would be apprectiated.
I can't give advice. All I can do is relate my experience.

I've had two ottos in my 10 gal since last september. They didn't make a dent in the algae. My new 37 gal was developing alot of algae.

I couldn't get SAE's so I got a CAE for each tank and they have done absolute wonders. I was blown away with the job they did. I understand that they may not always work this good and get aggressive and territorial as they get older, however, for now I can't say enough about the job they did in my tanks.

60 gallon seems plenty big enough to get a whole school of ottos.

What other fish do you have besides the corys?

Some people like a tank algae free, me, I love to see a little algae here and there.

How much water, and how often are you doing water changes?
I have guppies, platies and some neons...I do a 10% water change about every 5-7 days. The looks of the algae doesn't bother me. I just wanted another fish :hey: This is a planted tank also.
From my own experiences, you're doing fine. I'd get at least three ottos(being a total catfish freak, I'd get ten) since they like to hang out with their own kind.

I look forward to hearing about what you decide to do after reading over everyone's advice/suggestions. :D
Get a male and female BN and try to breed them. Give them a cave and a good varied diet and you could trade back for some money
cory said:
From my own experiences, you're doing fine. I'd get at least three ottos(being a total catfish freak, I'd get ten) since they like to hang out with their own kind.

I look forward to hearing about what you decide to do after reading over everyone's advice/suggestions. :D
Cory, could you please post me a pic of your otto? Even though I have an idea of what they are, I am not sure I can put a face to the name....................... :)
Ok I went to the only 2 fish stores we have here and neither carry otos. Nor did they act interested in ordering me any, why should they , they sold me a True Flying Fox. The man was like oh these stay small.. I read they get about 6 inches that was a little bigger than i wanted all of my fish are small. Does anyone know anything about these fish? Will they get along with what i have already?
I have 5 of them, I don't think they should be kept alone. I was advised against putting just one in my smaller tank. Also, I have a fair bit if algae in my smaller tank which I didn;t clean on purpost as they supposidly eat it. However, I have noticed none of this.

Just as well I didn't buy them for their cleaing purposes, eh?! ;)

How about a snail?
Well, in defence of Otos, my two seem to be hygiene obsessives! I bought them because my tank was starting to show the first signs of algae, in particular the big castle ruin was starting to yellow. I thought there would be plenty to keep them going, but the next morning everywhere was shiny and clean - they must have been up all night with the Mr Sheen!

I was worried they would run out of tasty stuff to eat, but a month later and they now have hilarious pot bellies, you can see them clearly when their cleaning rota brings them to the front wall of the tank! A proper pair of beer guts! :rofl:

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