Wheres Inchworm?

ahhhhh thats (and im sorry for swearing) 5hit news inchy! i do hope you dont lose anymore and that you manage to get on top of it all.

Dont worry about us, we will be fine now we know your ok. Take care and take as much time as you need
It's supper to hear from you!

I am sorry about the "troubles." I have had some issues too. It is a strange time of year. I have lost lots of fish, many of whom are among my favorites. But others in the same tanks are so happy they are spawning. Go figure?

In my community tank, I saw some white around a silver tip Tetra's mouth. I had lost most of my harlequin varieties (it has taken me a couple of years to collect them), another C. Melantanea, a sterbai and a Brochis splenden to a fungus and water quality. So I treated the community tank with a Mela/PimaFix combination to save a $3 fish. During that time I lost my lovely Agassazi red tail from appistodave no doubt directly due to the treatment (I had also lost his brother and sister to a Mela/PimaFix treatment), and a black phantom Tetra whose tail got bit off by somebody also died. But the silvertip still has a white mouth, so I suppose it just has a white mouth. :/ But I have fry from the peppers in that tank. :D

Fish keeping does keep me humble. :sick:

I certainly do remember our Cory buying spree at BetterBetta! :hey:
Hey Inchworm,

I am sorry to hear about your cories. I know how much it upsets me when I lose some. You have always told me not to get discouraged and hope you do not either. I know everything will work out and everything will be back to normal again.
:/ Oh Inchy

So sorry to hear that you've had such a rough time lately. It's really hard to know what the cause is exactly and treat it successfully.

Hope you have it all sorted out ASAP and take as long as you want, we will still be here when you return.

;) :friends:
I've been suffering the same problem in my main cory tank. For years it was going fine, then one day, it crashes and I stat losing cories. I've gone from over 30 to 4 in less than a year.

I bought some sterbai and put them in another tank and so far they've been doing fine in there. I wish I knew what it was that is striking my cories.
I've been suffering the same problem in my main cory tank. For years it was going fine, then one day, it crashes and I stat losing cories. I've gone from over 30 to 4 in less than a year.

:hyper: :shout: :sad: :angry: :X :-( -_- I'm sorry, Teelie. It is so sad. That happened to almost all my Bettas last spring: from maybe 40 to 5. I could not get a handle on it. I just gave up and let it run it's course. I even stopped coming to the forum in shame. Then when I thought it was over, my favorite fella jumped! :blush: I didn't think I would get any more, but Synirr insisted I start a new sorority and sent me the ladies. :D
With a little luck things will get back to normal soon.
Hello, Stranger! Just so you know, when you get your situation straightened out, I have a box of Christmas Corys to send you. There might even be a few C. weitzmani in the box. You never know. Just LMK when you think it's safe to start restocking and the critters will be on the way to you. Happy Holidays to one of my favorite humanoids. Keep your chin up!!! Just holler if you need anything. - Frank :D

I was thinking we could all send a cory or so! But you are a true gentleman, Frank, and have made a super duper and generous offer that R should surely take you up on!

If I get five long fin albino peppers, I will send five!
I'm cautiously optimistic now with my sterbai in their tank. It's not as old in running but still a several-years established tank.

Hopefully Inchworm will have some better luck and her cories will recover without having to transplant them to new tanks.
Hi Everyone :)

Thank you all for your warm wishes; they really touch my heart. You cory folks are the best! :wub:

Your offer is just too kind, Coryologist. Thank you so much!

Teelie and jollysue, it's so sad to hear about the troubles you've gone through too. Isn't it the worst thing to know you've done everything you could think of and still have to stand by and see the poor little things die. It makes me feel so helpless, and like jollysue said, ashamed.

Teelie, I might just move the corys around anyway. I had been thinking about switching my fishroom with my living room since it's a bit bigger and I don't "live" in there anyway. I spend much more time in the fishroom. I've been having trouble with my electric flickering on and off and stopping the flow through my AquaClears, so I've been wanting to switch to an air pump and box filter system. This might be the time to rearrange everything and just do it.

I already have a 30 gallon empty of fish and a 55 gallon with only 5 corys left in it, so I have a start. Of course, with my luck, they're on different stands. :rolleyes:

What I ultimately do will depend on how well the fish I'm medicating now respond to their treatment. When I lost the first of my C. robinae, I took the remaining six out of the bigger tank and moved them to a 10 gallon for treatment with Furan-2 and salt. They did well and appear to be out of danger and more like their normal perky selves. Yesterday I lost two fish in the treatment tanks, but didn't have much hope for them anyway. There was another one lost in a 20 gallon tank so I started treating that tank too. Now it's going to be a matter of wait and see.

I'll keep you all up to date on their progress.
:lol: I don't have a bigger room! So I am considering when I can move to a two bedroom I have my eye on. :lol: Then I will have a fish room! :hyper: :lol: But like you say, I will want my fish in my habitat room with the TV and fireplace, which now has a 125 usg frontosa tank blocking it. I will be right back where I am in my fishy singularity.

Inchworm you have me beat. I usually figure out what I did wrong. :blush: But when I realize and start to try to fix it, and they die, I am so helpless and stupid.

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