well first of all In your first post you didnt mention anything about giving me greif for haveing all those fish and the "mess" and so forth.

You basically told me i and anyone else who didnt research a fish before purcchase was wrong and evil and stupid yadda yadda yadda.

I was telling you not to be so judgemental and harsh about that, not about the greif you didnt even give me!
getting greif was mentioned so why take it out on me when you know your gonna get a lot of grief! and my info on clown plec's was not grief! i was just stating my opinion, which i did say i was doing on a number of posts! Remember me saying this?? ~~~>
as for the actual helpful information you gave me about the clown plecs, thank you. I told you I appreciated the help you DID give me.

I didnt want to start a whole big thing about this. I will say it again, I just wanted to tell you that you were being very harsh and I know personally that others took offense also to what you said. Thats all. 8)
mess left by other fish! i dont know what mess you are refering to but you say you keep tank clean! I do clean my tank regularly, but come on now, no ones tank is immaculate! I was just referring to the stray flake or pellet that get stuck in the corner or something that sinks and gets missed by the other fish. "Only feed as much as your fish can eat in 5 mins" for flakes and only "As much pellets as can be eaten in an hour". Thats the general rule if I remember correctly. Tell me you dont get ANY build up after a while from your fish thats not poop?

Thats all I meant...
Temp for my tank is about 79-80 F, then I have an undergravel filter and a Whisper filter. Could I get away with having 2 clowns
or is 3+ the best way to go?