Where To Get Plants From - Uk


Fish Crazy
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
North Yorkshire

We are just about to set up our Juwel Vision 260l. Have decided on sand substrate using slate, rock and wood features. We'd like it to be a well planted tank so need to get some plants. I've seen loads of suppliers on ebay doing what look to be really good deals, £5 ish for 25 plants - especially compared with the lfs who start at £1.50 a plant upwards. However, if £1.50 a plant means they'll be successful and survive then I'd rather build up that way - but a bit of a kick start would be good.

Looking for this to be a community tank with a range of fish including cory's, gourami, tetras etc.

Any pointers would be great please.

Also I like the look of these moss balls. Are they good at controlling algae or are they a waste of water space?
the 25 plants you get from ebay are good value but you get some non aquatics generally too.

and moss balls are algae! and slow growing at that and will not inhibit algae growth. fast growing stems will do that.

these two are good places but expensive, but you pay for quality

aqua essentials

the green machine
Thanks for that guys. Have ordered a selection so will see how they do. Will feed back here.

Have set the tank up today to get it cycling. Getting excited now :)
Ok - so I ordered from ebay:

Pack of 25 - £6 inc postage
Pack of 50 - £12.40 inc postage
5 x Amazon Swords - £1.99 plus postage

Am awaiting delivery of Valisneria Americana Gigantea

All arrived today and this is what they look like. Please note though, I have not tried to aquascape the tank yet - just get the plants in the water to see what they look like. Will then plan out where they are going to go etc. I think I know what some are, but am not at all sure. I'd be really grateful for those with the knowledge to let me know what I have bought and if any should be binned. This was really just an experiment to see if this was a good way of buying plants and if they did provide value for money for someone just starting out, and also to see if they would all be aquatic plants or plants that would survive in an aquarium.

I think I have:

Cabomba Caroliniana
Cardomine Lyrata
Ceratophyllum Desertum? Foxwood?
Cyperus Helferi
Echinadorus Bleheri
Egeria Densa
Vallisneria Americana
Elodea Densa
Hygrophila Salicifolia Willow Leaf?
Ludwigia Palustris
Ludwigia Repens

Obviously this thread is useless without pics - so:








Oh and we have a hitchhiker. Anyone know who this is?
I've always been told the plants with white and green (one in there it looks like) are not underwater plants. At least all the ones I've had like that have certainly died and I've read of other successfully growing these in pots on the window sill.

I don't believe there are any truly aquatic variegated plants.
I've found from another website that the two variegated are indeed bog plants so will rot in the tank. They are Dracaena and Wheat Plant. So for the info of others - to be avoided!! They will be removed from my tank forthwith.
The amazon sword I would reco probably only 2 of them for your tank don't know if you know much about this plant but I have grown it and they grow BIG! 2 Mother plants take up Half my 208litre tank and I would only reco maybe 1 as a centre peice my 2 cents, but you can always make a Amazone river in there hehe
The amazon sword I would reco probably only 2 of them for your tank don't know if you know much about this plant but I have grown it and they grow BIG! 2 Mother plants take up Half my 208litre tank and I would only reco maybe 1 as a centre peice my 2 cents, but you can always make a Amazone river in there hehe

Cheers for that - I'll watch it and if it starts getting a tad large I'll cull it!!! or now I'm quite happy as is OH as at least it makes the tank look a bit more interesting while we wait for it to cycle lol. :lol:

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