Where To Get Moss?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 9, 2011
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I want to put some moss in my tank and have looked at dome on eBay but is there anywhere else to try?

I thought maybe someone on here would have some?

I tried my lfs and they had balls but I want a carpet and balls. Can you get seeds or what ?

I know what I want it's just getting it I find tough.
My lfs sells it in little bags for £2.00 its enough to cover a piece of bog wood about 10" by 2" not bad really, growing it on quite well at the moment. The more elaborate mosses are more expensive though.

My lfs sells it in little bags for £2.00 its enough to cover a piece of bog wood about 10" by 2" not bad really, growing it on quite well at the moment. The more elaborate mosses are more expensive though.
My lfs sells it in little cups, the moss is the size of a golf ball for about $4.00 (US). They weren't carrying it at the time I needed it, but they were very helpful in ordering some for me at no extra cost. Never hurts to ask them to order you some if it is not something they carry normally.

Turns out I only needed one golf balls worth to cover a coconut, so they bought back the other with no questions/problems, they needed it, because they were sold out of the original 12 that they ordered (including my two) in 24 hrs.
Northern Ireland mate, how much have you got ?
Royster, I posted the JM out to you yesterday. Hope it arrives to you soon. I think there is also a small twisted Vallis in there too. lol.

i got my java moss from an aquatics shop for free. bargain! they give it away in small bunches as it grows quick. it's now taken over half the tank and looks awesome!!

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